Ok good news is I got enrolled in a Hunter Education class so I will be able to get my Wisconsin license. Bad news is I have to take the class on Oct 1 & 2 which means I miss the first two weeks of the season and that is opening weekend of Il season. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
doe down, I repeat, DOE DOWN! took my four year old duaghter with me, we had a blast, 31 yards pass through watched her fall. goin to let shai (the duaghter) do the track job! to quote her "I am gonna find me some blood trail! perhaps we watch to many hunting shows!
Ya buddy!!! We are off to an awesome start!!! Congrats and have a great time with your daughter! Should let her drag her out too! Lol Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
congrats guys , VENISON VILGLANTIES putting some deer down ! one more day till im in the woods ,cant wait
So she tracked her down, she is hung up skinned and coolin for the night! supposed to get down to 26 degrees here tonight! gosh i love hunting deer! Sharin it with the duaghter has been awesome. this is the third deer we have shot while hunting together, last year we took my two best bucks ever five minutes! love passin on the heritage mty father gave to me!
hey would one of you guys check and make sure I entered it into the scorecard correctly? Not sure if I did it right! I greatly appreciate it! had a great day here, I aks the father to give you all some days just like it in the near future! Be blessed!
Wish I could open the pics on my phone. Gonna have to wait till Monday to see them. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Way to go PA! Glad you could share that moment with your daugher. That takes a special 4 year old daughter to stay still in a stand haha.
Congrats Preacher Man. Way to go its awesome you get to share the time and expierience with your daughter more people need to get their kids involved. My hats off to you.
Congrats and great pictures, glad to see that your daughter got to share this with you. My grandpa passed away on Thursday morning and it's going to be a difficult weekend. He told my grandma before he passed that he wanted me to have all his old guns and knives. 8 guns and 8 knives and 2 (older) bows. Highlights were the Colt Frontier Scout, Remington 700 and Winchester 24 Double Barrel. Really means a lot to me that my grandpa wanted me to have all of this. Hope I can make him proud this hunting season.
So sorry to hear about your grandfather sycamoretwitch. Don't worry or even think about the hunting right now. It will be a long season. Take care of yourself and your family first. Prayers go out to all of you (especially grandma)! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
sycamoretwitch, Sorry to hear about your loss. I will keep you and your family in prayer. I ask that God gives you peace as you go through this weekend. God bless! also thank you for the congrats.