Well hey, given that hopefully you can be the first to get us on the board. What is it 50 points for a doe? That'd be a good start for sure. We don't have an early doe season here in Indiana, it would be nice though. Totally change my priorities come opening day on Oct. 1. Right now, with the most recent trail cameras I feel like I could get a good look at a big buck awfully early this season. I felt that way last season also, but I wasn't a bow hunter last year and come gun season they had done disappeared and just plain stopped moving during the day. That's kind of my reasoning behind passing on doe early on, I'd hate for that to interrupt my hunt when a little tree time might lead to a BBD!
Got my hunting license, habitat fee and any sex archery tag today. Now to figure out what county to get antlerless tags for, right now can only get one. But I'm waiting till after the 15th then it's unlimited until the quota for that county is filled. Don
A third team has posted a buck and is on the board and once Dubbya posts his that will be a fourth. Hope we can get some points up soon!
Sounds like several of you are cool with the avatar Fitz created for us. I am happy with it and already changed mine!
Well the predicted wind for opening weekend is out of the SSE which is not good for my best stand locations. I have stands set up for every wind but I was hoping for something else than a S wind. Oh well. I'm still OK with it as the stand location is still good. Just not AS good.
So pastorandrew is calling it! Team 13 will be on re board in 72 hours!!! Better make it happen now after a post like that! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
All I have to say is someone needs to get us on the board this weekend. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk