I sent a detailed pm to Rockinchair this afternoon explaining the situation with one of ou teammates. I really hope she gets on and responds so we don't have to get a replacement and she misses out but with well over 200 posts on this thread it is looking pretty clear that she doesn't want to be a part of this but I hope I am wrong. We will know by tomorrow night! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Hey Y'all! Sorry I haven't had the chance to post! I'm in Northern Illinois, gonna hunt some public and private land. I've got my eye on a couple of bucks on our farm if they stick around once the season opens. We're geared up and ready to go, just counting down the days.
So glad that you came and joined us!!! I know you are personal friennds with Richie but where in Northern IL are you at? I am in Buffalo Grove. I know he shed hunts alot right near my house. He even has sheds from 2 years ago of a buck that I have a ton of footage of! You have some great trail camera pics. Hope they stay around for you! I also hunt alot of public land but mostly down in La Salle county.
For those of you that didn't see my post with my cell a week ago or so it is: 847-436-2300 Love getting text messages of deer on the ground so feel free to send them when you whack em!!! If you would like to be on the text list but don't feel comfortable posting it here you can send a PM to all the team members with your number. Alright just finished wrapping my arrows. Went with the Predator camo on all of them so off to the archery shop in the morning! Hoping to hear that he has good news about my string and that it came in already but not getting my hopes up!
Very cool. I hunted Jo Davies 2 years ago but lost access to that property. Would love to get a lease in that area again.
Alright arrows are at the shop and confirmed that my new string have been ordered. Now just have to wait till they come in and get all set up. Hopefully not to long of a wait. But gonna give me the weekend to take the girlfriend shopping for camo and to shoot a few bows so I can get her one next week!!!
Ok weekend is here. Who is gonna be out with bow in hand looking to score us some point this weekend? I am really hoping to get some text messages from everyone! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Got about 30 minutes worth of pictures of these 2 guys, the 10 pointer is a pretty solid buck. Great photo here of the velvet hanging off!
Where are all our graphic artists at? Lets get a couple avatar designs done so we can pick one an get them going!!! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
If I had any idea at all how to make them I would but I don't have a clue. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Wow big drop in posts! Guess that means everyone is resting up for a busy weekend in the woods!! Wish I was but 3 more weeks for me! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
sycamore that ten plus a doe would put you on the board for 180 inches plus! thats a nice buck, at least by a central michigan standard! lol my best is a ten right at pope and young mark. took last year.
6 more days here. Weather looks like it will be dry and cool so that is good. Sent from my SCH-I500 using Tapatalk
Yeah he's a pretty nice buck by my standards as well, better than the only buck I've ever taken so I'd be pleased with this guy. But based on what I've seen on this property the past 2 years, bucks like this guy are a dime a dozen. More of a matter of being in the right place at the right time - I'm still trying to learn the sport. October 1 just around the corner for me as well! Let's do this ya-all, I think we've got a chance if we can all fill our tags and put points on the board. Cell is 812-243-2631 if any of you all wanna shoot me a text when you BBD.