Not sure where you were going with that but get the idea! I hate to kick anyone off but if she isn't in this for real we have no chance. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
yeah im in this to win , been shooting my bow about every other day now , cant wait to let an arrow fly at a deer
Well I am really hoping she gets on and introduce herself. I am already missing my bow. Gonna suck being without it for two weeks. Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
Sorry Fergie. I meant to type "We want real memebers". But yes, I say if someone isn't holding up their end of the bargin then let's find someone that will. I can't listen to PT talk smack for another year if they win.
We just had our first cold front of the season move in and tonight low is 61 here in north florida. That is huge for us. I can't remember a cold front moving in this early in years that pushed the temps to almost 60.
question, 2 1/2 or 3 1/2 he is the biggest deer in the field when he is out. I want him gone regardless, I just need to figure out how quickly it needs to happen. I don't want him to be a bully buck that pushes all my great 2 year olds onto the neighbors, them shoot em! lol
Since I am without a bow for a few weeks I decided this morning to strip my arrows! Got that all done. Gonna put some nice wraps on them tomorrow and get them over to the guy that does my fletching! Figure might as well start the season with new bow string and nice fletched arrows!
I have a bunch of different wraps so might use a few of each. Haven't decided yet but arrows will go to my fletcher on Friday. Not sure if I will pick them up before my bow is ready or not. Take them to the same place. The son works on my bow and the old man sits in his room fletching all day long. I will definetely post pics though. I would love to do them myself but not very good at them. And I don't want to keep learning on my good Easton Full Metal Jackets! How are we doing on an avatar? Anyone else get anything designed yet?
Yeah I got some cams out still. Not going to be back up to the lease unill opening weekend to check them out. Here are the best bucks I got on cam so far. It's FL so we don't get enormous deer so I'm pretty excited about these two. I will be in north west GA late Oct and that will be my best shot at a mongo buck. My uncles property is awesome up there.
Wish I could see them better on my phone. I am so anxious for the season to start. Really hope my bow returns soon! Anyone already been out ad seeing anything? Sent from my T8788 using Board Express
I'm going to match my BH's to my shafts tomorrow and just do one more last check. I'm shooting 125 grain thunderheads this year. Then there is nothing left to do other than wait.
yeah same i shot my bow today to make sure everythings ready to go , at 50 yards i cut a blazer vane off and broke a nock off , pretty sure im ready to go
Sounds like you are ready. I don't practice out to 50 that often I usually stop at 40 but really should practice longer distances. Hoping to go on an antalope hunt next year so will need to improve my long range shooting for sure!
There are two reasons I shoot out to 40 yards. 1. So that 20 yards seems like a chip shot 2. To verify my bow is in tune. If my BH's are hitting the same spot as my FP's at 40, I know at 20 yards there is no problem.
Wasn't able to get my arrows wrapped today but hope to get them done tonight. Can't decide if I should wrap all of them the same or use a few different ones. I know for sure I want to use my Predator camo wraps but I also have Field staff wraps and I have some custom wraps by Onestringer with my avatar on them. Think I might do 4 of seach! Will post pictures once they are all done. Will try to get them done tonight after work so I can drop them off at the shop tomorrow morning to be fletched!
Never understood wrapping arrows. Not to say anything is wrong with it, but is it more than just cosmetic? If not, I'd wrap it in orange so I could find the damn thing easier...
yeah i have a stand that sits on the edge of a field , most if the time i wont take that 50 yard shot but i like knowing that i can if i have to . and also im looking to go out for and elk with my bow next year as well so having that 50 yard pin is nice . i practice year round and group really tight at 50 , also like you said practice at a long distance makes 20 and 30 yards a easy shot
I have never used wraps before either but I have them so figured I would put them on. I have a 50 yard pin but rarely use it. I might actually make it a 70 yard pin for next years G2G since we always have a distance shot! Sent from my T8788 using Board Express