I work at a fab shop running a cnc and powdercoating as my main job. I also am a reserve firefighter emt and was a reserve police officer.
Project manager for the largest non union plumbing and sprinkler contractor in NYC. We do high rise buildings.
To answer Swamp's question and so everyone else knows, yes I work construction. I've done mostly about anything but for the last 4 or 5 years I've done mostly concrete work. Setting up forms for basements/crawlspaces, flat work, and recently since switched employers we do demo work as well tearing down buildings or clearing brush. It's hard work sometimes but I like doing it, I'm outside all the time and once fall rolls around we usually slow down so gives me plenty of time to hunt. Swamp that logo looks really good. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
Well that's uncalled for ha ha. I can't say much though, I threw same pic up in smack talk thread. Sent from my SM-G900R4 using Tapatalk
i work for the VA as a health tech for compensation & pension on Fort Campbell. What we do is help develop the claims for those soldiers being medically boarded out to speed up their disability payments once they are found unfit for duty. long days but only Mon-Thur so get 3 day weekend every week unless a Monday is a federal holiday, then it is a 4 day
Shuls, you guys take ride alongs...I love helicopters...What do you fly now? We got NG Blackhawks and Chinooks flying over my house all the time. The 160th SOAR was up here this week training all over, freakin people out flying below the tops of the buildings through the downtowns. Got to see a little bit of them in action, dudes are crazy good!!
Some great jobs guys!!! If everyone likes the logo we can just go with that, I'm going to try and make it my avatar
That's because 160th pilots are a bunch of arrogant assclowns who think regulations don't apply to them.
So hows everyone's practice routine? I've been shooting elevated from my lonewolf usually once a week, and off the corner of my deck (15' up) 3-4 times a week out to 50 yards. I also use the summit viper a few times to practice leaning against the front bar and shooting.
Corner of the deck: View from the deck: My 13 year old taking his turn practicing in the viper: ( yes he has a harness on)
nice setup, about what i have to use at my house though my yard is a bit more of a hill. old photos that fence in the center is gone removed it to open up the yard more
Just got new strings put on my bow today. Now I have to go through the tedious task of shooting my bow to stretch the string out.
Shuls, don't know them personally just thought they did some pretty cool flying. What do you fly? Are you based at Fort Rucker?