Hmm, is ruttinbucks in or out? Peak says yes, Justin says no. I'll take the extra team member. Rob, congrats on the doe. Way to get us on the board. Fran, you've got quite a crop of great bucks this year. Are most of those PA deer or OH deer? I've got the best crop of deer in PA that I can think of since I've been living in eastern PA. I have at least 4 different 3.5 year olds or older running around and a couple more that are in the area across the road that will definitely cruise my property during the rut. That's just what I have on trail camera too. There's probably some others out there I don't know about yet because they don't make themselves visible and don't like corn. I'll be hitting MD next Tuesday for the opener. We've got some good bucks cruising around down there and there are always ones that we don't get on camera as well. There is a great looking 2.5 year old 7 point that is still in velvet as of last weekend and if he does not peel he will be in danger. I very much want to shoot a velvet buck. However, if he peels that velvet he is safe.
He's out for this year. This is the 2nd time he's signed up and not checked in. No more time to waste!
Way to go, Rob! Looks like a real heifer. Bryan - those are almost all Ohio bucks. I'm hoping to get onto a few more big boys over the coming weeks. I've got a few new camera sites to scope out. So what's the story on this new guy? I'm hoping he has 2000 acres in Iowa and is looking for new friends.
Justin missed my post prior to his with that being said heck with rutt. As for the fraley gene why show when you cant handle my throws to 2nd base. :-)
Here's two more pics of the 5x5 that I've been trying to pattern... Great buck. I'd take him with my first opportunity. He won't score super-high, but he's got great mass that carries all the way out through G4. These deer are really starting to look like studs. The summer coat is gone, they're already gray/brown with muscle mass packing on by the day. I'm ready. Check out the change in body/coat over the past month...
Hey guys, thanks for letting me in on the team. My name is Andy and I am from SC. I will be hunting here in SC and spending a week in Illinois. I don't have a lot of Big Bucks around here but hopefully will get my opportunity. I have already hunted a few times so far and have only seen a couple of small bucks and quite a few does. Does are fair game come Tuesday so hopefully have something down soon.
Welcome aboard Andy. With everyone checked in hopefully we'll start racking up some points. I may get out here and there but won't be out for sure til the last week of Oct/1st week Nov to go hunt with Gri22ly in western ky. He had me on a nice buck last year. He was chasing some does but never came into my shooting lanes. It was the first "big" buck I've every seen from a stand.I think we guessed him at 125-130. It was worth the hunt just to see him.
Whats up everyone? I will be posting up a doe for score tomorrow. I shot her tonight around 7:15. I will post pics tomorrow. Glad to be on the board but now I want a buck. I don't want to wait till I go to Illinois to score a buck. By the way, is there a limit on the number of does per person?
Congrats on your doe. Yep just one doe per person. Good job. Been shooting my bow counting down the days to our opener.
Bryan - any luck in Maryland? Congrats on the does, fellas. I didn't get any doe tags yet, so I'll probably only be good for my buck. My time is looking VERY limited, so I'm doubting that I'll have time to hunt anything but a nice buck. I've gotta pick my stand time very carefully, and maximize it.
Fran You are suspose to PM this stuff dammit. Some twit or twits on here would remember seeing the picture and cry about cheating. Just think what two of your bondo sticks and these puppies would look like glued on his head !! Good luck hunting Tim
Nope. So far MD has been like KY for Germ. LOL My buddy was down again last week and saw the big 8 fighting with a GIANT. The 8 is probably at least 130" and the buck he saw fighting him he swears will go 170". Now my buddy shot a 150" down there last year and I've never heard him as excited as he was after seeing this buck. We're heading back down to hunt Wednesday and Thursday this week to get after him.
Well, I'm finally on the board in MD. My wife told me if I keep taking these trips down there I'd better bring something home. I had a little doe (real little ) hang around me too long and after I determined nothing else was with her, she got it. I have to download the pics and get her on the scoresheet, but we've got another 50 points on the board. My buddy had the big 7 right under his stand, but wanted a shot at the big 8. The 8 walked straight at him then swapped head to tail and walked straight away while he was at full draw. They then all ran out across the field with the monster in tow. He was so upset he literally threw up his Wendy's lunch in the creek.