Welcome Gutshotem ! It's been three years since I moved and I'm just now getting around to networking our computers What part of KY might you be hunting in ?
Bry - I'll be hunting Ohio and PA again. If I tag out in time, I might pick up a WV tag or five. At this point, it looks like another time crunch, with higher standards... My philosophy is usually just to wait as long as possible on a bookbuck, then tag out on the first 110" deer that I see when the sand has almost run out of the hourglass. This year will be no different, but I'll be trying couple new areas that I'm pretty excited about. High hopes. As always. So what states will you guys be hunting? Sorry about not posting more often, fellas. I work and work and then work more. LOL Just bought a house, so I've been working my ass off in it.
I'll be hunting in northern KY ( Owen County ) and a week in western KY with Gri22 the end of Oct beginning of Nov.
I will be hunting in Miami county Kansas. Been seeing some pretty decent bucks in the evenings. Might hunt on the Missouri side late season. Good luck on your up comming hunts guys. Chris
I'll be hunting MD and PA again. I've got a couple of good bucks on game camera. A couple might gross P&Y, but not net. If any one of them shows their face in range their getting it. MD always has some really good buck and usually some pleasant surprises. Last year a buddy shot a 151" off of the property we hunt that we had no idea was around.
I was checking my trailcams yesterday, when I had a revelation: "Pimpin' Does" We have 4 bucks on cam that would break PY, nothing over 140 though... I'm pretty sure that I have a shed from one of 'em, but I picked it up about 1.5 miles away, so i can't say for certain. I hung 2 new cameras over some potential stand sites, trying to isolate a good buck to slam on opening day. We'll see how that goes. Keep it real fellas. I'm off to work.
I like "Pimpin' Does." I'll take back what I said earlier about not having anything that would net P&Y. I was driving around one of my hunting areas and saw 4 bucks that I do not have on trail camera that will absolutely net 125" and another that is close. Can't wait for the opener!
So far, several good 8's and a 10 point that would difinantly get the blood pumping. All I have seen lately are hard antlered now.
Here are the best bucks I've got on film so far this year. Between my buddy and I, we have been running 8-10 cameras all summer, spread all over hell's halfacre. We were talking over the weekend, and I'm pretty certain that we've eclipsed the 100-Buck mark already. Tons of deer. Still...no freakshow bucks yet...
Maybe no freaks but some solid bucks for sure. That ten point looks like he could get the blood pumping.
Unfortunately these are the only bucks I have on film. I had a pic of one a bit bigger but still not a shooter. The property across the road is leased to some guys that shoot everything regardless of size. My neighbor and I have asked them to let the little bucks pass but they don't seem to care. There is/was a big 10 pointer around but haven't seen him this year. Lower right corner
Fran, those are some great looking bucks. That 10 with the kickers is a stud. Good luck getting on those guys.
Unfortunately, the 5x5 with the stickers - is living in a really, really small woodlot - and probably will be gone as soon as his food source changes. Lots of small, patchy woodlots - so I'm expecting him to be gonezo by 10/1. BUT, i've got hundreds of pictures of him - so if he's still showing up on opening day, he will be in harm's way. One other deer that I wanted to show you guys... I left the card in the woods with the most recent pictures of this buck, but IMO, he's the most impressive of the lot. He showed up a few times in early-mid July, then vanished. He's back in the area again, and cruising through one of my stand sites about once-a-week. He's really filled-out his frame nicely, and is a great buck. In his most recent photo, he's already packed on 20-30 pounds and looks pretty stocky. As for his rack, he surprised me with strong tines, even out through G4. He's kept his mass, and filled-out with a wider frame than I'd predicted, based on this picture. I'll post one of the new pics the next time I swap that card out. He's a stud. Not a monster, but a buck that I'd be thrilled to take.
Geesh Fran! I'd say PA's antler restrictions are working. Dang nice collection of bucks there to choose from. PA is really producing some great looking bucks, You guys have always had good genes and feed, U just needed some age! I am very impressed. We've known each other a lot of years and that is by far the best collection of bucks you have had to hunt going into a season. U must be stoked. Hey what ever happened to that big buck U found the sheds too.. U and Ryan where out that day. He was a stud too! He around? U hunting his woods too? Good luck bro from one old XX'r to another!
Tick. Tock. Tick. Tock. I'm so goddamn amped for this bow season. I need 3 more days in the woods to get all the loose-ends tied up. I need to hang 2 stands and start picking trees/tacking lines. I also have a whole day of trailcam checking left. ...and I need to sight-in my bow. I still haven't done that yet. I need arrows, too. LOL Troy, that big boy is AWOL. There's a lot of private ground where he's probably holed-up. I just want to see him one time. He was a 155" mainframe 4x5 last year, with a weak G4. I'm thinking this year, he'll pack on bilateral G4's, and turn into Tinezilla. It's not out of the question for him to break 170 this year. Mmmm... It's like a 2-hour drive, so I can't get out there often enough to find him... Besides, even if I DID find him, he's probably somewhere where I can't get at him. He'll move . . . and I know where he winters. If he survives through December, he may just head right into a buzzsaw.
Hey team 13 ruttinbucks will be checking in soon he just been busy as heck. So please count him in and I will kick my younger brothers ass if he doesnt show. :-) Good luck this coming season, T
Hey guys I started us off tonight ! .She's de-boned and in the fridge.Story tomorrow...too tired to write much more.(added below) Season opened Saturday but due to other commitments I couldn't get out til Monday morning. About two AM all hell broke loose....biggest thunderstorm I can remember recently. Hoped it would blow over but hung around til noon. I had an evening stand picked out so waited til then. Most of the summer I've watched a group of does come out into a field along a oak grove about 5:30 ish. A planned I was in my tree by 4. I didn't get the bottom platform of my climber adjusted quite right and was at slight angle. It was pretty muggy out and I had already sweated more than I had wanted so I thought I would just deal with it. About 30 minutes in I was beginning to second guess my self. ( 15 minutes later I didn't have to worry about it )A light rain had started to fall and it was hard to hear much with the noise.Some hickory nuts had been falling but I heard something a bit different. I slowly turn to see two fawns browsing almost right under my tree. Couldn't see the mom and didn't want to make too much movement and possibly be spotted so I hung tight watching to see if she would come out.Sure enough she stepped out into the field while the fawns were still hanging under my tree occasionally looking up at me it seemed. Frozen so not to spook them I'm watching the mother walking away. They finally decide to join her and at 20 yards I draw back and let her fly. After a loud thwack and a big kick, she runs off with about 10 inches of arrow sticking out After an awkward jump over a small fence and a mad dash down through the woods I heard her crash.The rain had started to pick up again so after about 30 minutes I got down to look for blood even though I was pretty sure I heard her go down. I found her piled up about 50 -60 yards down the hill. The 2 blade rage made a good size entry wound and stuck in her opposite shoulder.Got the wife to take some pics, dressed her out and got the tractor to pull her out of the woods and take her home. Thanks for reading !
Guys - since ruttinbucks.com was a no-show (for the 2nd year - he's got that Fraley gene) SCBigBuckHunter has been assigned. Hopefully he brings you some much-needed points! :D