That time of year is finally upon us ! Let's get checked in and introduce ourselves. quiksilver flstnhd justhunt HuntingBry Chris Miles Jaws SCBigBuckHunter Gutshotem All checked in !
My name is Rob. I live in Owenton KY. This is my third year hunting. I was shut out last year. My first year I shot a nice doe. Haven't seen any big bucks here yet but I am hunting with gri22ly again this year :D He had me on a nice buck last year but didn't have a shot at him.
Hey, I'm Bryan. I live in PA and will be hunting here and MD this year. I'm usually good for a 100+" PA buck and hope to keep that streak going this year and there are some really great bucks in MD so if I can get one of those guys that would be great. What is really special is that we have the Undisputed King of Archery on our team and I have selected myself to be his heir to the throne so we are a truly noble team.:D
I'm Jeff from Illinois. I've got a couple good properties 10 minutes from my house. I'll be holding out for a 130"+ deer. I always take a few does as well. I killed a 123" buck and 3 does last year. I have a nice 160-170 buck on the trail cam.
Hey guys, Chris Miles checking in. Look forward to talking hunting with you. I will be hunting Miami county Kansas. My hunting grounds have changed alot this year. What were hay fields are now corn and beans. Dont know that it will matter much as there are thousands of acres of corn and beans in the area. Got all my stands hung and know there are a couple of nice bucks in the area. Come on October!
Just checking in guys. Im dan and Im from NY. I have a few good bucks on film rt now but as we all know...they have a way of vanishing once the season starts, but I'll do my best to try and get some points on the board for us.
UNLUCKY # 13 SORRY ABOUT YOUR LUCK maybe the deer hunting will be differant??? NOT :p Good luck to you any how.
5 of 8 so far checked in ( including one "to be named later ). The anticipation of The Undisputed King of Archery's arrival is killing me :D Our season opens Sept 5th. What about everyone else ?
Hi. I'm the Undisputed King of Archery. His Majesty will kill multiple bucks this year, with 100 percent certainty. Word on the street is that the biggest buck on earth is looking over his shoulder. He heard that I'm coming.
I'm not sure if we want a guy named gutshooter on our team. Or a website. I've known a lot of websites over the years, and they've all been pretty chitty hunters. I say we trade the website and the gutshooter for two players-to-be-named, along with future considerations.
What's up fellas. Sorry about the delay checkin in. Recently got a new house and job and haven't had time to set up my internet connection yet. I'll b doing most of my hunting in Maryland and PA this year. Maybe a trip to Kentucky as well. --Mike