Man rutin that buc is nice looking, but looks like he could be taken if he has pertty much reached his potential. Went glassing over this weekend and saw some nice mulies, but a little out of bow range. Hopefully this coming weekend brings more luck.
Im stationed out in southwestern idaho and our mule deer season started Sept 1st. Thanks silverflicker.
Guess we better start thinking about a Captain and a Name. My vote for captain is Sliverflicker and for name thinking "Broken Arrow" or "Rut n Gut"
I'm with you wakecow i think silverflicker should be team captian. But not sure what the team name should be?
4 and a wake up! Guys I don't mind being the Team Captain, but lets see if anyone else wants it, or wants to select someone else. Want to make sure everyone gets to put their 2 cents in. We do need to pick a team name soon. For those of you who get to start hunting in the next few days, Best of Luck.
Boys of the Fall it is???? Silver will make a fine captain, now we just need to slay a few nice bucks. Got a little time yet, but soon enough, there'll be some bloodshed around here!!!
Seen 3 bucks last night they came out tore up a few trees. Forgot my camera yesterday or I'd have some good pics.
Hey guys, sorry I haven't been on in a while. I'm going to have limited access to internet service for a couple of weeks but I'll be hunting Oct 1st!! Silver has my vote for captain, I'm good with whatever name you guys decide. The main thing is lets get some big boys down!! Good luck to everyone! Jon