Im still here. working on a hunt for november. But for now between work and 4 college courses I haven't had much time to play. I still try to check in once in a while to see if we have any kills on the board. Some good pics guys good luck.
I had a great encounter last week. Put an arrow into a big body buck that has been pushing my #1 buck around, I pushed him by getting out of the tree too quickly and never found him. Many of you may have heard Todd give me flax about it on last week's show. Well, I still have 2 really good bucks coming in. My #2 I call JCL and #1 I call Splitter. One of them will fall soon!
Any updates guys? I’ve had 10 and 5 doe sightings from stand on my last 2 hunts. Haven’t drawn my bow back yet, been doin a lot of filming for my show. Got another picture of my buck using that open alfalfa field. I hung a new setup specifically for hunting him on my neighbors closer to where he filters out of a bottom. Monday will be my next day in the stand. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I am heading for an evening sit, low expectations. My real hunting will start in a few weeks in Kansas.
I’m in the stand now, forgot my release and clean boots, so I basically smell and will have to finger shoot, and it’s warmed up a lot since this morning. I may pack it up and head to the house. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
points on the board! nice work! I am going out tomorrow afternoon to see if I can catch anything on the front coming through
Congrats! First blood for the team. I’m going out Monday evening in a new setup specifically for my big boy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Got a doe tonight, she ended up jumping in the stream I was hunting by and had to fish her out. I'll post pictures to the point board tomorrow.
Neighbor killed my #2. He’s a good dude and went about it the right way. Congrats to him! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk