Bummed out guys. Went to check came ysterday. 1 cam the coons turned around, 1the batteries were dead and the other just had a few small bucks.
Finally got a sunny day here with no rain. We are expecting another 10,000 evacuees on top of what he have. I definitely salute all the guys and gals that have been coming down here to help out. 100s of FD personal from all over the US as well as all the National Guard and LEOs. For the most part the evacuees I have dealt with have been grateful. But I know they are starting to get stir crazy already living in a shelter of cots. Hopefully tempers don't get out of control too bad. But its to be expected. Thanks for the prayers and thumbs up to y'all. I'll keep in touch.
prayers going your way.. I am going out tomorrow morning, i have been out 4 different times already, might take the bow and the rifle just in case, i can't wait to kill something. the four times that I have been out, I haven't seen nada here in South Carolina, it will be really windy tonight but tomorrow morning at about 8 am or 8:30 wind is going to die down and temps might be a little lower than normal, so I am expecting atleast to see deer moving in the morning tomorrow. some of you guys seem to be bad ass hunters, i.ve hunted a few years, but with not great luck, i think this is a life long learning lesson. so far this group seems like an awesome group.
I'm jealous of you guys in the stands already. Definitely prayers to my brothers helping out in the south. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Still waiting on rednas to check in, he has until Friday before we call for a replacement. I was handling the wait until opening day well until yesterday, now I'm overly excited to get in a tree and watch the squirrel races. I suck to an extent, I've been doing this hunting thing for 5 years now, still have yet to get that good wall hanger. I have learned a lot though, most of it from reading on this forum. I am successful each year though, I'll at least put one in the freezer.
Well guys the weather is not right here in SC so instead had to go to the lake and get some striped bass! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Sorry I'm late. Was in Oregon for vacation and the eclipse. Got back to work and had a lot on my plate. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G930A using Tapatalk
We are 100%!!! Let's get to stacking bodies! Here are some pics from the last card pull a few weeks ago...They are coming between 0300-0630, and 1700ish-2000. Not going to be easy getting to stand if they are in early in the am. May have to do evening hunts opening weekend. I'm probably going to pull cards tomorrow or Saturday for the last time until opening weekend. Fingers crossed I can find a good time to sneak in. Might have to get out there by 0230 to beat them. I have a bunch of other pics of them, but they are crappy night ones.
Still awhile till I get in a tree for deer. Unless something shows up unexpectedly and looks. Killable. Bear season starts today and I ain't,nt even shot my bow since December lol. Can't miss at 8-10 yards can I? Probably won't even start for them until 2-3 more weeks but I'm flexible so could be tagged out tonight if a giant shows up. Good to see our team is all checked in.
Wow!! Did some work for guy that has about 1000 acres with about 400 of that in a bowhunting only area. No one hunt it and he gave me the run of it ALL! I didn't even ask! This area is known for giant bucks! God is good!
400 acres!!! That's a nice piece of land to sit on and to pick it up that way is great. Always nice to get a "life" win every once in a while.
Pulled my cards for the last time before the season opens, and I'm super pumped about what I saw, but, I need to figure out how to get to the stand without bumping them. They are showing up around 0300-0700, and there is no easy way to get to the stand before them, maybe their patterns will change and allow me to get in. Also, have a nice buck, but he's nocturnal as of now, and I don't know how to get him into the daylight. As much as I'd hate to, I may not have hunt the stand until the rut comes in. I am also torn about the 10pt I'm seeing, he's a 10, but looks young, although if given the chance, I'll probably still take the shot.
Although it's hard to stay out of a spot, I try to wait till it's time. Screwed up way too many spots by jumping the gun too early. That buck will get us some points. Good luck!