How long is your season? Is there any on-post hunting? I can hunt Ft. Campbell, but it's out of my way even though I work pretty close. From what I've heard how they are doing the MWR stuff now, you register online and have it validated at the MWR and it's good for any post if you have the state license.
Season goes until Jan 1st. the isportsman site is there for fort Jackson but it is not up and running. Yes there is on post hunting, I have never hunt no where else. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Thats pretty good. And thats about how big they are down here. Im game unless you still need to tweak it any.
Here is a daylight pic of him bringing up the rear. My #1 Hitlister in Property #1. I named him Splitter
I'm here guys. My posting will go in waves, some weeks it'll be a lot and others not so much. I'll make an updated post when I get to a computer sometime in the next few days. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Great looking content guys! My post will be a lot like Simons , Here today and gone tomorrow kind of thing. Currently I am swamped busy between farm maintenance , coaching youth football , work , shooting my bow and trying to get my self in mountain shape. One month from today I will be in Wyoming filming Dustins elk hunt for the show. I am super excited but Have been working my ass of to get in shape for it. I wiant to make sure we have rock solid footage and dont want to be dragging ass at the moment of truth. I will try to post some pictures up as I get them . I havent checked cams but once this summer. Been way to busy, witch is probably a blessing in disguise.
Well I'm getting all the affects of hurricane Harvey down where I'm at. Im a firefighter for San Antonio and we have shelters set up here. So I will probably be working a lot of OT this next week dealing with all the evacuees. But I can say the wind and rain is pretty bad where I'm an and I can only imagine what its like closer to the storm. Well good luck to those already hunting and Ill check in when I can.
Glad to see another guy on the job on the team, I work for the city of Elyria, Ohio FD. Stay safe brother! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk