Here are a few from my farm in Illinois Ill be chasing in November. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
As of last night and this morning the bucks are back on my cams. Wi opener tomorrow and I will have the perfect wind to sneak into my stand tomorrow afternoon. I don't usually hunt the mornings until the last 2 weeks of October and into November. I don't like pushing them off the field.
Sure did. Good sits. All the deer stayed out feeding in the fields till dark so we’ll see how tomorrow goes. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I could have shot at a doe and elected to wait until Sunday. I can not hunt after Sunday until Friday. I would have figured it would have been a better evening due to all the rain stopping. My buddy filled his freezer out of another one of my stands so that was cool.
Anyone still seeing their bucks in velvet? Still seeing a few. Always wanted to kill a velvet buck. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I had one in velvet that was a nice 10 Thursday night. About 8 hours later had another pic of him and was almost all cleaned up.
So this is what I call my 2nd family, “The 17 Brothers.” There is one rifle kill and one (the biggest) muzzleloader kill. The rest are all with a bow. I wasn’t going to share with the group but as long as some guys are sharing I thought I would too.
Same here. Being in Wi I wish they would start the season Sept 1 then might be able to get one in velvet.
Anybody getting out this weekend? Still waiting for the opener here. Had a flurry of activity on my cams for a few days when the weather change hit, then the action died back down.
I made it out the other day after work for a short sit. Went to a public piece to get to try put the saddle. I like it but will have to get a few things udjusted for the mobile set up. I will make it out on Sunday for sure this weekend. Will most likely go to my grandpa's land that day. There are so many acrons up there this year. So should be a good sit.
I passed this one Friday evening. He came in to the water tank in the picture. 19 yards I watched him for a bit before he moved on toward a oak covered hillside. I did have my bow in hand as I thought he was a different buck when he was approaching.