Oh by the way technically you are still in 3rd ... Bucks ..are you talking bucks...lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Qwq7BYOnDrM ..
Technically half our team hasn't started hunting yet. My season starts Thursday and I am wearing the same camo, brother
The thread title said "Champs", so I clicked, thinking it might have something remotely worthy of my eyesight. .......I was sadly mistaken
Ive been thinking about getting a small tripod for my camera to take pictures of myself and kids with our kills. On this hunt I couldnt get a picture of the deer before I field dressed her because I was alone and several miles from civilization. The picture really looks bad after field dressing. I almost didnt post it.
I'll be in the woods tonight in Oklahoma for the first time this year. I'm a day late, but it's nothing compared to missing the first two weeks like last year in Louisiana. Now if I could just get the wind to cooperate!!!
I got busted by a yearling buck trying to stand up and get in postion on a solid mid 140's buck last night (who I have plenty of history with). The big buck didn't know what spooked the little guy. I was almost right on top of the big guys bed last night. I am going to hit that spot up again tonight since only the little 6er saw me. So close....
Get er done big boy... I have a great feeling about tonight (for you), I don't know where my deer went.
The worst part about it was.... I didn't have to stand up that very second to get into position for the big guy... I had a little time yet. I was probably needlessly busted, by standing earlier than I had to. All the deer around me at the time certainly didn't help my situation at all.
I got us in the "buck" department yesterday. Posted the story in the General area. I will need to do a little more accurate scoring in the next few days, but what I measured last night with a string and tape measure came out to just over 130" gross.
Awesome Flap, that is a beautiful deer!! Where are you in the panhandle? I hunt around Canadian occassionally. Congrats on a GREAT deer buddy!