We will stay with "Team 12 Big Buck Killers" (BBK for short) :D Can't change your name after you win the pennant! :D
"Team WalMart" It was a real big deer. The butcher that I took him to said he weighed 272# and that was dressed. It took me 4 hours to drag him down a drainage ditch far enough to get the truck to him. The Taxidermist used the largest form available. I have him hanging next to a doe (the one in the pic) and she looks soo small. There are many more like him where I hunt but it is so hilly and there is so much underbrush that they are hard to get a crack at.
MJ, when you're down by two, and you want to win... give me the ball to hit a 30 footer and you can carry carry the trophy out of the building. :D
Wow bickering already that will be the end of team 12 BBK or what ever you want to call your selfs !!!!HE/HE/HE
Stands hung vacation for pre rut in northMO scheduled going to take my daughter up there for early youth season for her first deer and hopefully my big buck. Sorry home computer toast no pictures to post waiting on repair shop to diagnose. Using work comp for forum.Shhhh! dont tell anyone.
Here are some deer I am after this year. I have a call in to the property owner's friend who is trying to track them down in Florida to get permission. Richie and I also have permission a mile and a half away on several hundred acres and a spot a quarter mile a way might also let us on. http://www.bowhunting.com/gallery/12/media/482/giant-illinois-buck-in-velvet.aspx