Dubbs kills 60 inch buck--Dubbs photoshops one of Team 15's team members on the kill photo. Dubbs sends confidential e-mail to VS. Dubbs gets a hunting video or two or three.......?
Dubbs kills 150" buck, dubbs photoshops Team 15's team member on 208 3/8" buck, Team 12 still wins and gets lots of goodies for contest victory! :D
In other new, I am gonna try to hang a new set a mile from my house tomorrow. The area has standing corn still and will allow me to finish the season without wearing Blaze Orange. The area is also known for some damn big deer, I will report more tomorrow night if I can get in and set up in the early afternoon.
11 deer came through at 5pm. Only on buck and he had half a rack, he would have been a 115-120 2 1/2 year old. Thought about plugging him for a brief second and then realized I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I shot a deer with that potential to win a contest I have until Sunday and plan on hunting every day but tomorrow. I know there are a few areas in the 300 acres of farmland and woodlots that they are moving through but we haven't seen any mature bucks. I have been on the deer just not the right deer
The new guys have been great! If we win we owe it to the three that knocked a buck down for sure. Don't forget that we have all taken deer and a few of us are freezing our butts off trying to bring it home There is not a lack of effort here Scot
Four sits left and trying!! Sure missing my private land. I am on deer though 10 deer in two sits with no bucks. Time to move spots I guess. I have no luck on public land here in southwest missouri.
Yeah you do, a drink later would be great I only wish I could have taken a doe to go along with the buck I got. Well huntin is finished until Sept. So I am on to the ice until thaw and then some bow fishing and any other fishing I can get done. I have enjoyed this years competition.
Well guys my times up I seen a little 4 last night but I couldnt bring myself to shoot. I didnt need the meat and it just wouldnt have felt right. It was great being on the team. I enjoyed every minute of it. TEAM 12 RULES!!!!
Tomorrow is my last day of the season. I have hunted every night since Monday except Tuesday night, and been on deer every night but no shooters.
Way to stay with it! I whacked another doe on our last day of the season last saturday. I miss it already
Season is up for me as well. I ended up shooting some more doe's to fill the freezer.. but the elusive buck escaped me this year! Congrats to the rest of you all who did real well this year. Way to go, guys.
The fat lady has sung in Illinois and I was served Tag Soup for the first time since 2005 Thanks to the new guys that knocked down the Bucks this year, it was rough hunting for a few of us for sure but we all knocked down deer!! I am already looking forward to next year with my new hunting spot and might have another spot that is simply amazing property. It was a blast being a part of the BBK for another season, hopefully our points hold out till the end of the contest so we can give it another go next year!!