Corn is finally coming down and the deer are moving more. Should get a crack at a doe this weekend and maybe a buck if they are still looking for any late season love.
Good luck brother, hey and if you don't get one we might find one at the local WalMart Seriously, good luck. I am thinking about going too. I'd love to get a doe for the freezer.
Hows everything going guys? From everything i'm hearing, this has been a horrible rifle season in Pa so far. That either means lots deer left for next year or there arent any deer to shoot. Couple more doe's or a buck for the team would have us sittin pretty. Good luck everyone
I am thinking of getting out there so that I can get me a doe. But with the snow and cold I don't feel so motivated.
I'm outta the game until the 26th... I'm headed to Wyoming this coming Friday to hunt birds and do the family thing. After that, I'll have 2.5 weeks to get my buck killed. I had thought my tag for Wyoming was good for the late season but it's not... bummer. Anyway, fats is right... a few more points would be excellent!
Just got back from Mexico last night and will be back out starting Thursday afternoon. We have snow and a great bedding area facing the South just 80 yards from a new stand we put up 3 weeks ago so if things are right I will hopefully knock down a buck or doe by weekends end.
It's a good thing you got the "new" guys on your team or you'all would be hurting. With the exception of buckeye the original team has kinda SUCKED!:D Way to help em out new guys.
Lol, that's right! Good job guys... I'm personally just holding out til the end, it would be boring if we were winning by 400 points! :D
Good deal man... one more doe would be pretty close to sealing the deal this late in the game. We're only up by 60 points after Mathewshooter whacked his buck!
You're right dubs. A doe would sure help. I'm nervous and i dont even know if there's a prize for first. Has anyone heard if Scott needs anything?
I've talked to him every day but today, they are doing well. It seems the process is going as smoothly as possible. He said, they've got about everything they need right now... He told me he was staying in a mansion... it had 200 bedrooms, 200 bathrooms, an ice machine, in ground pool and a gym. Lol, they're in good spirits and should have a permanent temporary (does that make sense?) very soon.
Well guys.. i'm still at it here in KS. Rifle season ended Sunday and bow is open until the end of the year. Luckily there is still a good amt of snow on the ground, and it's supposed to stay cold this weekend. I'll be hunting over a cut milo field. I've been seeing more than in the past week just driving around, then ever, this year. Near record snowstorms and record cold temps have pushed them to the food sources hard. Good luck to you guys still out hunting!!
Well guys, I got my butt back out tonight and put a decent nanny down. We will be able to add another 50 points as soon as I get the pics posted. Took her on the south end of the woods where I thought I would catch them with the snow still around and standing corn. I also saw a pretty nice buck bed with fresh crap by the stand I hunted and some solid prints. The corn is still up in a small 20 acre field and there is no more corn for miles, I have the hottest food plot around and deer sign galore Team 12 4 EVA
Awesome raceway looks like good eatin to me. And congrats on the good hunting spot those are getting more rare every day. Muzzle loader starts this weekend so my deer are going to get thin here.
Now that finals are done I should get off my butt and get out there for a nanny. Another 50 would not hurt.
I'm on the deer, had 8 under my stand last night including what would have been a solid 120" 8 that dropped his right side already If he still had that side I might have smoked him for a neighbor that wants some meat and has fallen on hard times. I might get back out tonight and should be out Sunday and Monday. Gotta get a buck for the team since Dubbya and Joey are slackin