Thanks guys. As I said, not the biggest deer that I have taken but I am real happy with it. I will score it this weekend and get that posted. Raceway, you've got to go to WalMart for the good juju.
Great job Mad! Sorry it's taken me so long to check-in, stuff has been crazy. That is a great deer, way to stick with it!!
Raceway... The pressure is on... You are the only one to not contribute anything to the scorecard! :D Let's pick up the intensity a little bit there J-bird
I hear you. I was gonna hunt yesterday and today and tomorrow but my wife's Grandfather passed on Tuesday and family comes first. I still got some time to get it done and the corn is killing me in my two main spots. I am planning on a morning hunt tomorrow if I can get out of airport driving duty and will focus on taking a doe there over the next few days.
You are right, family first. Sorry to hear about that going on. You take care and if you get time to hunt, well that would be ok too.
Well, family is on their planes and heading home. I'm gonna get out tonight and tomorrow all day. Might get out Monday Morning and night depending on the Wife's In Vitro procedure. We are canceling our trip to Mexico in December so I will have a mini 5 day vacation to hunt while my wife helps her dad with her Grandma who is pretty ill and suffering from severe Alzheimers. I'm thinking of shooting a doe the last day of season to keep Buckeye and Dubs on their toes
OK Guys... ...I have never scored a deer but I followed the directions and this is what I came up with. I was a little conservative with my measurements, always rounding down because I was using a seamstress tape. If anyone wants to chime in or look this over before I officially submit that would be great. Thanks Guys. ................Right..............Left MB.........18 3/8............19 0/8 G1............2 3/8............ 3 2/8 G2............5 1/8............ 6 2/8 G3............3 0/8............ 6 3/8 H1.............3 4/8............3 5/8 H2.............3 3/8............3 5/8 H3.............2 6/8............3 7/8 H4.............1 6/8............2 7/8 ...............37 26/8.........45 33/8 ...............40 2/8...........49 1/8 AB.....................7 2/8 Width...............15 5/8 Right..........40 2/8 Left.............49 1/8 Width.........15 5/8 Abnormal....7 2/8 Gross.......114 2/8
Scott.... you suck.... that is all:p:D Dustin... you kinda suck :p:D Jason... your cool because your name rocks :D
I don't know... show him in his pink sting-ray cowboy boots and he will definetly meet the "suck status":D Actually, after thinkin bout it.... he has shot Hoyts so he definetly sucks.... that is what keeps Diamond Don from being one in that "elite" status :D Damn Hoyt shooters..... don't know what a good bow is :D
Lol, and my dog's name is Hoyt!!! I was gonna name him Lowmaster but I didn't want him to have to wear a helmet his whole life. :D Team 12 guys... anything progressing? This weekend just got shot out from under me... gotta do Christmas stuff. Next weekend, it's back to Kansas... we'll see what happens.
Between the landowners boy on his fourwheeler and the neighbors dogs I havent had any luck. I guess its back to public land for me for a while. I am not giving up.