Coming into this season, i was a little worried. We moved over an hour away the last week of September. So it was gonna be the same as the last 5yrs, between college and moving around for jobs I would have to find new places to hunt again this year. Lots of scouring maps led me to a few good spots. I was planning on sitting dark to dark this week and next week if necessary. The last two day i concentrated on a perfect little pinch point, seeing 7 bucks total. Yesterday, after passing on smaller bucks and rattling in a 3 point I caught more movement about 90 yds away. He was moving parallel with me so i rattled at him. Couple minutes later, he was on the move again. Once he dissapeared behind some brush i rattled again and hit the can call. He came in as if i was reeling him in. He stopped at 40yds for what felt like an eternity. Then was nice enough to keep coming, giving me a 24yd shot. He weighed 131lbs dressed.
Great job man, congrats on a great deer! I think that makes us... leaders! Well done. Anyone hear from Madhunter? I know racewayking is in Brown County, IL today... things are definitely rocking right now.
Here I am. I have had some real bad luck and very little deer movement. I am leaving to hunt in the morning and don't plan on coming home til I shoot a deer. I have had a couple nice deer within range but no shot opportunity. I have seen the big boy that I am after but again he is bedded up in the corn and I am hooping that it starts coming down soon. I do have to be back on Wed am for class. Skipping Tuesday. I will update from Blackberry if I have any luck. Good luck guys.
Way to go fatsbucknut!!! Real close calls for me the past couple weekends, but nothing down. Hoping for something soon though! Still a couple months left of season.
Hey Folks just got my PC out of the shop and back online now. Buck O, Congrats on a Great buck, Awesome!! Dustin you in Kansas yet? Joey, Was up in your neck of the woods today hunting with a friend.
Well, this has been an interesting hunting season. I have hunted a lot the past two weeks and NOTHING. I saw many good bucks and got to see bucks fighting, chasing and humping. But they would not give me that shot. So I guess I am in for hunting food sources the rest of the year. Our gun season begins Saturday, I hope they save me one. Hope all is well for everyone else.
Had some younger bucks dogging doe's last night by the stand, but nothing worth shooting. Decided to take a doe and put some meat in the freezer. The rut is definately on here. Hopefully my luck will change with the bigger ones.
What's goin on guys?!?! My trip to Kanas got cut a little short so I was only there for 2 days and plan on going back. I had 3 shooters in range and wasn't ever able to capitalize, as they were all chasing does. I did however get to see (and score) an 8pt that grossed 177 5/8"! He was an absolute pig. I'll be headed back there either this weekend or in a couple of weeks. Well done with the doe Joey!
Well boys, with Joey's doe, you are ahead of us by roughly 10 points! We've got us a good one going, keep up the good work guys! Congrats to all who have scored so far!
Last Minute Success Well Finally. After last weekend I was pretty disappointed that I had not scored yet. I saw many bucks and some real nice ones, but with the gun hunt coming on Saturday I thought I was going to eat tag soup, at least as far as archery goes. Well I went out early to hunt the last day of archery (Thursday) before the gun opener. Hunted in the am and nothing, so I decided to get out there early for the afternoon hunt. I got into a stand that I know is very close to the bedding area and it paid off. I was just about to draw on a doe when I noticed this one coming. It is not as big as some that I have taken in the past but a real neat rack. I'm calling him my last minute buck. I need some help with scoring though, look at the right side how there is a tine that is non-typical. How do I score that. Oh and this should add to our lead for sure. Oh and I shot a smaller buck on the last afternoon of the gun hunt. Must be a last minute kind of year for me.
Awesome!!! Congrats! That point would be scored as an abnormal point. The beam with the tines coming off would be scored as your main beam.