Way to go Buckeye! Awesome buck. Congrats!!! I was out over the weekend. Starting to see a lot of buck sign finally. Did some rattling and had a little buck come in on a string right under the stand. But no bucks worth shooting yet.
Good deal Joey, I'm thinking about coming up this weekend. If I don't, it will be like the 6th before I can make it there. Are you gonna shoot a doe this year or are you gonna be a slacka again? :D :D :D
haha... yep, I just bought an anterless tag. Wouldn't mind tagging a slickhead this weekend, if no luck with bucks. Should be a good weekend for activity. I beleive we're supposed to get rain today & tomorrow, but clearing off for the weekend. Good luck!
finally got my bow straightened out tonight. Little more practice tomorrow over lunch and i'm heading back after the big boy i hit on friday. cross your fingers
No Dice for me this weekend. Went out twice on Saturday, but nothing came in range. Did see some great deer activitiy though. Spend all yesterday helping my brother track and butcher a great buck that he arrowed on Sat Eve. I'll be out a lot this week though.
Saw the nice 12pt again. I believe it's the same one I had a close call with last year, and a couple pics of. Hopefully sooner or later he'll make a mistake. Finally got a new game cam pic of him though. I believe the fields are going to be harvested this week, which could mess up the deer movement. We'll see. It's been kind of weird hunting in Oct with as many crops as there are still in the fields. Good luck guys!!!
Heading to northern missouri (atchison county) this weekend for my daughters first deer hunt if she scores early then I may get a crack at something nice, but I want to focus on her only and me second. It would be sweet for us to put two on the wall. How awesome would that be for good memories.
Hey guys, I'm in the Oh-io with buckeye... Starting to think he shoots all his deer in a pen :D No not really, there is some great sign but the deer movement has been slow. Hopefully it will pick up in the next day or two. We'll keep you updated.
No luck for me this weekend but my daughter put down a big mature doe. She was pumped but not as much as me.
bucks are slowing starting to move. Had a spike under me yesterday and passed on two 5 points today. I'm hoping to see something a little bigger. Weather is gonna suck next week, they're calling for 60's and 70's.
Keep it up boys, we're really only a doe and 5 points out of the lead. We've got some good potential here... it's almost time to make it happen.
Guys, i have a buck down. Not a giant be he's a decent 8 point for Pa. I'll get him scored and some pictures up hopefully tomorrow. Hunting public land, i saw 7 bucks in the last two days. Passed 3 legal ones but i couldnt let this one go. Hope everything is going good for you guys