I got a doe this morning. I will get posted in the next couple of days. I had a great weekend. I took a friend's (who doesn't bowhunt) 17 year old son on his first bowhunt who got his first bowkill. ( a doe as well.) He was pumped and excited as he should have been.
Atta boy Flap! You're layin' em down early on... I like it :D I saw a borderline shooter on Saturday morning but he never offered a shot. He had a broken off G3 on his left side, I'm pretty sure that I have some trail cam pics of him. Hopefully headed to NW OK this weekend, Kansas next weekend, and Ohio with Buckeye the weekend after that... We'll see what happens!
Nice Jack! I only got to hunt 2 hunts all week. One Tue evening and one Sat morning.... Between my wifes work schedule and mine I cannot get in the woods with the baby.... I hope to get out a couple evenings this week and all day sat and sunday... Wish me luck that I get out! Good luck to all you guys!
I understand the time constraints and feel your pain. One thing about it, when you do get out it makes even more special. Good luck to all.
Giving the lil guy a bottle right now... He is doing good.... His momma and I have been sick for like a month and a half... He hasn't really got a cold yet (just a stuffy nose)
I remember those days I have six myself, and I wouldnt trade those baby days for anything.Wait till they start asking for money, and daddy isnt quite as cool anymore. LOL. Just remember to enjoy every minute of it.
Glad to here he is doing well Mud, Im in that phase right now myself :D I have three and two are driving now Man are they in my pockets. Wouldnt trade them for the world enjoy em all you can Scott while they are young, believe me and Mud, it will go by verey quickly. while im here, good luck chumps :D
I got out last night boys... Only had a doe and a button come through my setup though. I will be out again tonight... And at least a couple more hunts over the weekend... Things have turned for the better this weekend!
Hope all is well for everyone. I shot another doe this past monday night and hit big buck on tuesday night. i'm still sick over it. Had it at 10yds in fading light and hit a limb that i couldnt see. i'm thinking it was a briskett/front leg hit. came back the next morning to track, only had blood for a little over 100yds, looked for 8 hours. i'm convinced unless an infection gets him, he's still running around.
Well done Scott, he's a HOSS!!! Fats, I hope you get another chance at him!!! I stuck another doe this morning, pics up soon!
Thanks guys... According to my calculations we are 55 points out of first place behind team 20 (595 to 540)... If someone shoots a doe we will almost be square with them Good luck guys!