Your kids are lucky, Tom! I'm 23, finally about to start my last semester of college. I got some new bucks this past week, not too shabby. I'll have to load them up on photobucket tonight and post them on here.
Those are real nice memories there Tom. I'll check trail cams tomorrow but that's it. I'm spent, that basement was 6300 sq ft. It has a go kart track on it with a ramp to the garage. More power to em, but I'm going to bed.
Here are the bucks that showed up this past week. They are a little better than I have been getting so far, but I'm still hoping to track down some bigger deer before season opens.
Very nice bucks and it seems like the big ones are starting to show as we get closer to velvet being removed. Anyone else have them hitting minerals HARD right now? Sent from my iPhone
Jim I am getting emails from people every day of some REALLY good bucks hitting mineral HARD right now
Side note , when storing Tom's number on your phone it might be best to put it under something other than just monster raxx. That one drew a question or 2 from the Mrs.
. 2 of the better bucks from last week. 5 days & counting & I am STOKED! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I have received a few phone calls from customers that have said they got a lot of crap from their wives because of the shipping label until they opened the box. I have also have had guys call me and say they have been putting it in their wives cereal and it hasn't worked yet
I'm hoping he sticks around. He's the only buck over 135 on this farm right now. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
I wanted to share this with the Backstrap Brothers Preseason Preseason is that time of year when all bowhunters have some type of anticipation as to what the coming months may bring. For many of us simply filling a tag is what fills our desire as a hunter. Those of us who cherish the venison as the true trophy from a successful hunt will possibly fill a tag with a doe or maybe hold out for a little while in hopes this could be the lucky year that a big buck shows himself early on and another kind of trophy comes with the full freezer in the basement. There are many hunters who also dedicate themselves to the chase as much as the taking of a deer for the freezer. For those of us, myself included, preseason started when last season ended. We spend days analyzing old trail camera photos wondering if those bucks that got away lived through the winter. We look for sheds and run trail cameras all year long. We spend every penny we can squeeze on food plot supplies. Tractors, implements, fertilizer and seed all need to be included in the list of possible purchases. After food plots are in and cameras have been checked its time to hang stands. We hang for wind direction, morning sets, evening sets and rut sets. We plan for variables and hope that deer follow our script and each hunt is successful. Success that for some is measured in backstraps, some measured in inches of antler and some measured in the peace and solitude we find in the outdoors. For me preseason gives me the chance to be a dreamer. I dream of big bucks, backstraps on the grill, inside tenderloins in a frying pan, opening day of gun season and walking through woods with my dad. I dream of the sunrises I see and the sunsets that fade to darkness as I shiver through the last few minutes of shooting hours. I dream of fall colors and the rustling of a squirrel that has the ability to stop every hunters heart. Whatever preseason and then deer season means to you I wish you good luck and please stay safe on your adventures this fall. May your arrows fly true and your hunts be memorable. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Stopped by the land owners house last night. He told me him and his wife have both been diagnosed with Cancer that is why I have not seen them. They have been getting treatments. I offered any help that I could be to him and his son and if he needed anything to just call and I would be there. he told me that they plan on cutting 1 more run of hay from the field and then I can have it. I told him if he has a change of hart or anything comes up just to let me know. I assured him that there would not be any hard feelings. Close friend of mine has talked his uncle in to letting us use his cattle lease as a second option. Cameras hopefully will be up this weekend. We on ly got 4 more weeks til Season.
My hitlist is starting to take shape. Lets hope they stick around.https://fbcdn-sphotos-e-a.akamaihd...._=1417734436_833519f8e16a16881ee4259344f4f816
So is anyone doing any fall bear hunts on our team? My brothers and I are leaving next Friday for Canada on a trip. Hoping to put a big bear on the ground but mostly anticipating spending time with my brothers. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Man I wish I had another bear tag. I shot a monster last year and can't wait for another tag. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
No bear hunts for me for right now. This is my last semester of college, so I'm going to be super busy this fall. I have a bear hunt lined up in the future though