They haven't added mine to the scorecard yet and it's been over two weeks. Hopefully I didn't do anything incorrectly.
I went out this morning and had a 140" eight come in across the drain from the cedar I was sitting in. Its 127 yards across the drain so I just watched him for a moment. Something must have not sat right with him because out of nowhere he turned and jogged back the way he came. I let out a couple of short grunts and he stopped and dropped into the drain and looked to be headed my way but he never made it to me. I waited him out for an hour before finally giving up. He must have bedded up down in the bottom of the drain. I didnt want to jump him so I just backed out and will hunt him another time.
Nice doe! Sounds like you guys are seeing some good bucks. I'm going to try to get out for the first time this weekend!
I went out today to the 270 acres I got last Saturday and hung two cameras up over corn, I'm trying to inventory what is out there. I will go in there blind Friday afternoon and hope for the best, but its gonna have to be at least 160" for me to shoot I believe. Its hard not knowing what is out there before you hunt There is a nice hub location where a couple thick fingers of a wooded draw meet at a pond, which leads down to the river about 300 yards south. I'm thinking this is going to be a good intersection point, as there was a pretty good trail right along there. I did notice a smaller trail slightly up the hill, so I'm hoping that is a buck's favorite path
Been out the last few days and I have seen Does. No bucks not even on camera. No does with in range all about 75-100 yards out. Looking to put up another stand on the other point and go from there. Currently using a climber but there are no trees on my property where the deer come out from seeing they come from the other field.
Doe down in Kansas. When I get time I will get the pics posted on the scorecard thread. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Shot her this morning at 9am. Hit her at 17 yards but got lucky. When I drew on her and was waiting for her to clear a branch another deer came in downwind and blew at me. This doe only looked and didn't run so I settled back in and found her in my peep and waited for her to calm back down. She did and went back to eating acorns and I zoned in on her vitals. Just as I released the shot she stepped forward to eat somewhere else. The arrow hit her back but clipped her liver and drove up into her as she was quartering away. It struck a lung on its way out the back side and she went fifty yards and expired. Needless to say even when we are patient things happen. I am thankful for the recovery. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Congrats on the doe! I went out tonight and saw 5 young bucks, but that is all. Apparently the landowner thought it was a good time to cut down a bunch of big oak and walnut trees within 100 yards of my stand. It looks like a tornado went through there. We will have to see how it changes the deer patterns, as I didn't have any mature bucks on camera all week in that spot.
Congratulations on your doe man! I still didnt whack one ! But I am back from our vacation and am ready to hit the woods this weekend again after two weekends on the beach!
Great job guys on the doe kills. I was out at a new piece of land last night and I thought it was going to be to windy to hunt so I just went scouting. Saw 6 does 4 fawns and 3 bucks. the 3 bucks were together on one side of the field and the girls and kids on the other. Kind of looked like a school dance. haha Hope to have a couple of arrows in the ground this weekend.
I was out with my kids for the Wisconsin youth season this past weekend. Here is the buck my 11 year old daughter shot. She is a pretty happy little hunter
I will have the kids out Thursday thru Sunday for the MN youth season. If they can get lucky early I will bowhunt any extra days.
Finally got out for first time tonight! Had 2 small Bucks walk right under me. Had been a doe Id be in the board.