congrats m3shadle, that's an impressive buck and to spot and stalk even more.. Good to see you got it done..
Team 11, just entered another 112" for us. Rattled in my first ever buck and I have killed many. Never had one react to antlers here in public land Minnesota. Deer calls a lot of luck but never the bangin horns. Hope to still get some does, will be going out the next 3 days for all day sits.
Well guys ill be out after i finish up in the morning. Late morning to dark tonight. Then all day friday to sunday.
For those that aren’t on the group chat! We got us another one boys! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Congratulations Kyle. That’s a beauty. In stand now really hoping for a yearling doe. They are my favorite to eat. Will take anything without horns though.
I usually process my own but the past two years I take the bucks to the processor lol so I’ll get him scored up when I get them back. They called earlier so I’m sure he’s done. I’ll see about getting him tomorrow. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Getting him back Tuesday. In the mean time y’all mash a buck or two and a pile of doe and we’ll be set haha Sent from my iPhone using Forums
This may be forbidden talk here, but I'm going out for gun season this weekend. Beyond that, I don't know how much more I'll get out with my bow considering my work and family schedule for the next few weeks.