Buck down for team 11. I’ll post the story later tonight or sometime Friday. He’s no booner and he’s broken on one side. I’m terrible at estimating, but I’m guessing he’ll be just over 100. I’ll take actual measurements over the weekend. Had a great hunt and I’m thankful for what I was able to harvest.
Congratulations man! That’s awesome! We are rolling boys! Can’t wait to hear the story! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Thanks, guys. Had a great hunt. Saw six bucks and I don’t know how many does. One really, really nice 8 pointer was 60 yards from me calmly eating for 20+ minutes. I really would have loved to harvest him, but maybe another day. This buck worked a scrape on a tree line at about 6:25pm. It probably took me a full minute to even have a glimpse at his rack because he had it tangled up in the licking branch above the scrape. That felt like a long, long time. I really couldn’t tell what he was, but I saw part of his right side (unbroken side) and he seemed to have a decent spread so decided to shoot him if he gave me the chance. He continued to work the scrape and I shot him at 54 yards. Shot felt great, sounded great, and he mule kicked so I was pretty confident. Rain picked up so I went to the impact site after only 15 minutes. My arrow was laying there with the broadhead broken off. There was blood 10” up the arrow and the rain had already made it look pretty thin and watery. I was getting nervous at that point. Thankfully, a friend helped me track and I would guess the deer was piled up within 80 yards. After field dressing, we saw that I got both lungs and the top of the heart. The arrow broke when it hit the offside shoulder. It still ended up poking out the other side before breaking off. In all, I had a great hunt and was able to share it with some great friends. Now to decide what to do with the meat, where to find freezer space, and I need to do a euro mount this weekend I guess. I’m tickled and already excited to get out there again! I’ll measure him this weekend hopefully. Any idea how to measure with the break after the G3 on the left side?
What it’s all about man! I would guess you just measure to the end for your main beam but if it’s flush with the g3 I’m not sure how that works. Might ask for more advice on the talk thread! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I'll probably ask for help over there, thanks for the recommendation. I was a mess yesterday trying to recover the deer in the rain and get it out of there. I was in bed before I realized I didn't take any photos with my bow. So I'll need to get to the cooler with my bow to take some photos before I can add the score to the official scorecard. What do you guys think he will score? Don't worry, I won't be offended. The more I look at pictures, the more I think he's in the 90s, but I'm terrible at guessing that stuff.
Thanks. I enjoy practicing out to 100 frequently and even longer at times. It makes the closer shots feel like chip shots. In this case, the deer was totally calm and I felt confident about a perfectly broadside shot at 54. It all came together!
Well im up. Left work early and came out and hung close to corn. Hoping this one buck has been stepping out of the corn right here. Couple beds where im inbetween corn and beds. On side where beds are. Also has a creek and my food plot. Although i dont believe they are hitting my plot. Tree is alittle thin and shakes with the wind. This is the one im after.
Sorry, guys, have had a tough week. I talked to the processor today and my meat will be ready early next week. I may pick up the head at the same time. I’ll be sure to post the score here as soon as it’s done.
I finally got my deer head back tonight. Measured it at 104 2/8. If you guys see anything “off” let me know. I posted it to the scorecard thread.
Well out last night seen nothing. Out this morning seen one buck on road bout half mile from here coming out of corn around 6. Been in here since 6:20. Light at 7:30. Havent seen anything. If i don't see anything this morning ill hang and hunt this evening on the other side the property.
Heading up to camp now! Gonna be hunting hard the next week. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums