Deal for me. Good to keep the terminology in accordance with our organizational structure. Yancey, you are now known as "The Don".
I hate that I had to do it. But I've went on there and asked for a replacement. We'll have to see who we get for a replacement. Hope they're in big buck country.
Alright, I'm confused..what did you mean when you asked if we could all agree on not killing any deer this season?
south louisiana-----rain rain rain rain rain rain rain. had a front come through this weekend that brought something other than an afternoon shower. we got 5 inches and it was crisp outside for a few hours. felt like early deer season for once. cant wait until the less humid weather hits. it'd be nice to see something other than 100 percent humidity.
It actually felt ok here this morning. It was cloudy and I had a few rain drops fall on me when I was out shooting. Two weeks from opening day! I'm ready to snuff one out for The Don!
Hunted once last week but no luck at all. Didn't see a deer. Wind picked up right as I was getting in the stand and they must have waited till dark to move. But on a good note, got a great looking buck coming in pretty regularly! Bout time to get after him.
He looks like one that needs to go. I was wondering if you got to eat any of the meat from Africa and if so how did it taste?
Hey my name is Nick. I was just assigned to the team as a replacement. I am hunting in central NY already have a few decent bucks on camera and it is shaping up to be a good year. you guys seeing anything good?
What's going on Nick? Glad to have you on the team. Haven't had a shooter show up on the cams yet. I know their out there. Looking for something at least 4 years old. When does your season open?
Hey Nick, Welcome to the team. Glad you got in on the contest. I've got a few 8 points that have some potential that hopefully will get a broadhead through them and a bunch of does that have been frequenting my stands this year. I'm hoping for a good season. I've got less then a two weeks and I'm itching to hit the stand. Hope you have a good season and welcome (again) to the team.
We ate some of every animal except the zebra. They were awesome. Didn't taste gamey at all and all of it was tender and had a great taste. The zebra isn't good enough to eat the meat by it self, but they said its good when you make it into sausage. So they will do that with it.
My season starts October 1st . i have one very nice buck on camera with a funky rack. he has a normal 4 point side but theother side has a bunch of beams shooting out. very nice buck if i get a chance i will upload the picture. other than that i hvent seen to much on camera but i have been seeing a ton of does.
What's going on Nick? Believe we were teamed up a couple of years ago in this contest. That banner looks familiar. My name is at the top right lol...nice to be on team together again. Hopefully we can do a little better this year. My season begins this weekend. Can't wait...