Thanks for the tip. That buck fever can really make you forget what to do. I'm pretty good with my yardage but I'm thinking about getting a range finder just to help me out. Two of my three stands are pretty limited in yardage and I know for a fact how far the longest points are but I could see me forgetting all about that if a bruiser walked out.
Well I got my last stand up today. I've been watching the area and a feeder near for over six month and have had a lot of activity but unfortunately not any buck. Lots of does which should help out once the rut comes on and a turkey I've been after since turkey season. I'm hoping something with horns will show up since I know they're in the area but you never know. Luckily I've got two other spots that I know bucks are so I'll probably keep it on the back burner until I can take a buck down. You never know though I may go after that 50 bonus just to get something in the sight ring. Here's a pic of the stand. By the way I'm a fan of latter stands. Cheap and effective.
Just finished up my morning shooting. Got it in before it's gets too hot. Do a little more today but that will be in the basement working on form where it's nice and cool. I at least like to shoot a few arrows in the basement everyday just to keep my form in check this time of year. How often do you guys shoot?
My goal is twice a week. Not that it will always happen given the fact there are weeks I work 7 days/84+ hours but I'll try at least.
Yancey, I was looking at the thread Official Team List and I saw that Fitz posted to let him know when we picked a captain and team name. I saw other teams posting that info on that thread. I don't know if you saw that or not. Just thought I'd let you know.
I'm not sure. I looked on the edit post for the opening post but can't find an option for it. Maybe someone will see this and know little more then I do about that sort of thing.
Maybe see if Fitz can edit the thread title. I just tried to go back and change a title from one I started and couldn't do it. Might have to be an administrator thing. ???
i shot in my front yard just before dark today..i was home sick from school today, so my parents werent too fond of it, but they know its a losing battle when it comes to shooting my bow ive cut 5 fletching getting it sighted in about 2 months ago..i cut one today from 40 yards, so i think its time to start aiming at different targets. using my last quickfletch blazer tomorrow, then i reckon ill have to pick up another pack. anyone familiar with crossbows? i got my friend into archery this year and he's real excited. we got his crossbow in the mail..i put everything together. i shot it 4 times and hit dead on from 10 yards. i backed it up to 20 yards and 1 arrow hit middle..3 of them hit either 2 feet left or 2 feet right! did this multiple times until we lost all of them. im thinking since we were so close at 10 yards and things were fine..the crossbow bolts that came with them were just cheap, crooked duds..we're running to the store tomorrow to pick up some carbon express bolts..
Ya that sounds really weird. I would think if it were the crossbow, they all would miss in the same place at least. If they were going all different directions, I'd have to assume it is the bolts. Get some good bolts and see what happens. If good bolts do that, I don't know what to say.
Not much better over here. The season starts in less than three weeks and it'll be in the mid 80s and lord know the mosquitoes will be nuts too.
My dad has used a crossbow for a while now. It has always been pretty much right on. Never anything like that. His is a Horton, uses Horton bolts and has always hunted with Spitfire BH. He did get some new bolts one year and Horton started putting a label around them. Those with the label didn't impact the same as the old ones without the label. Still nothing like your talking about. They hit about 5 to 6 inches lower if I remember right. If the new bolts don't do the trick you may need to get a hold of the manufacturer and see what they say. Let us know how it goes.
Around the St. Louis area here we've had an heat index of 106 the last few days! It's the hottest its been all year. I hope to god it's nothing like this in 3 weeks.
They would have to be very poor quality to have those kinds results. I would get some quality bolts but before shooting them go over the crossbow and make sure everything is secure and double check to make sure you guys got it together correctly. Try the new bolts and shoot off a solid rest. If possible shoot from an elevated position or set multiple targets beside each other, it's very frustrating when you're having trouble sighting in but it's 10x worse if your losing the bolts/arrows too. Trigger pull and follow through are also very important when it comes to consistency with crossbows. I know some of this stuff is stating the obvious but hope it helps.
Yancey, I saw where the teams asked Fitz to add their team name to the thread. It was in the Official Team thread again. Just thought I'd let you know. Have a good one!