Sounds good then... Compound Mafia Yancey as captain If anyone objects to the name or captain...speak now I think Yancey will be a good captain. Doesn't matter if it's your first year, as long as your active on here.
Alright guys. Sounds like we decided on a name and captain. We're going to be the Compound Mafia! And sounds like I'll be captain(unless there's someone else that just really wanted to). We're still waiting on Krohboy. I hope he checks in before Mondays cutoff.
Krohboy sent me a private message so I'm not really sure what's keeping him. I think he sent one to some other guys too. Sweet! Thanks for stepping up Yancey! Or was it me throwing you under... Oh well, you'll do great!!!
Hey no problem. It really didn't matter to me I'm on here a dozen times a day usually. Should I mark him checked in? Is that what the message was about? I don't want him to lose his place if he wants in.
He sent me a private message as well. His message was about the team, so I say check him in. I'll send him a message about the post so that he knows where we are all communicating.
If he hasn't posted to the team thread I wouldn't make him as checked in. It's not that hard to figure out. I don't want home to loose his spot either but he's had a week and should have been looking for it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
hey guys, hunting is starting soon.. so im wondering how i check a deer in to the contest. i know i need the score and two pictures. i read all that, but where do i post it to? this thread? do i need a picture of the scorecard?
What's going on BigEv? I think Fitz will start a separate thread to post our kills on and I don't think we'll need a pic of the score card. I plan on posting my kill pics on this thread too. I hope everyone else on our team will do the same.
After reading the rules again he has to post to this thread to be counted as checked in, not direct message to team members. Trust me I don't want him to miss out if he wants in but at the same time the rules are the rules. Hopefully he'll make it before the first. I've sent a PM and I'm pretty sure a few others have too. He still has a week to hit up the thread.
Yeah that's my plan too. The kill thread will have tons of post and this way we make sure we know where we are at. I'll also post the score individual by that persons name and team total on the opening post to have a single spot where we can see what's going on.
Season started for us on the 15th but it's been way too hot for me. Forecast is called for high 80's next week so I plan to be in a tree tomorrow afternoon. Buck only till sept. 15th so we will see what happens. Have tons of hogs all over our properties so might get to have a little fun even if a buck doesn't come in
Good the little I've had time to shoot it. I shot about 30 arrows on Friday just to basically play with it a little and get the weight dialed in. I need to get the sight tuned in but I haven't really tackled that yet. I'm not real experienced setting up a 5 pin sight so I was going to wait till a day I had ample time to shoot. I got the 20 yard pin pretty well on but I'll have to move all them up to get enough movement of all the pins to set up all 5 out to 60 yards. Any tips?
Sounds like you have the sight thing under control. Tips, I can tell you what happened to me when I first started bow hunting. I shot good when I was practicing. When a shot opportunity came on a deer, I missed most of them. After the shot I couldn't really remember what pin I even used. I just got so excited that everything I practiced went out the window. So when I practiced, before every shot I'd tell myself lip, nose, pin, spot. Lip- kisser button in corner of lip. Nose- string touching tip of nose. Pin- Pick the right pin. After all that Spot just focus on the spot I want to hit because my form should be all on at that point. So when a deer would come in I would just run that thru my head. It helped. Just have a good idea of your yardages around you before one ever comes in and you should be good. Maybe that will help you. That was more years ago than I like to think and I still get worked up when one comes in.