Not to much action on here lately, so how are all your guys season looking at this point, Mine was looking to be my best season to date intil i found out i had to get surgery, so don't be expecting much from me intil mid november.
i had to get surgery on my knee because i had a broken off peice of bone in the joint, its a conditioin called Osteochondritis Dissecans. I had the surgery on thursday and im not allowed to put any prusure on it for six weeks.
got a few pics back for my first camera shots. Happy to report that there looks to be a nice buck on the first set of photo's. Now I need to track him down! I changed the camera location so, maybe get a clearer shot of him next time. This is on public land on a area heavily hunted so...this will be a tough deer to get but, I will try.
Well it started to hurt a little after baseball season, not really sure when in injured it. But i went to the doctors to get it checked out, The doctor said that i should get it fixed ASAP because it was not completely broken off yet and if it did i would be in a load of trouble. So in the end im happy i made the decison to get it done , i gave up one season of hunting for so i won't have to get a total knee replacement in the future.
awwwww come on... what do you need knees for? they can just replace em.... no totally just kidding. you did the right thing! heal fast!
Ha yea i think my brothers got that covered, in will still be hunting out of the ground blind for sure, i probably don't have a chance at the two brusiers we have around here but im thinking that i have a pretty good chance at this 2.5 year old seven point that is probably around 125'' and i would be tickled to death to get a chance at him.
Seasons starts this Saturday. Hope to put one in the freezer on day 1. Supposed to rain but the blind will be dry.
I went out yesterday afternoon in the ground blind without any luck accept for a couple 1 1/2 yr old, probably won't be going out much in the next month until i get back on my feet.
come on you got one good knee, and thats one more than what i got!!!!!!!!=-( nah heal up and get out there when you can.... i'll be out Friday afternoon and maybe Saturday, but i gotta be at the team hotel by 2100 for meetings, and with Chicago traffic it can take up to 2hrs for me to get down there (38miles) so we'll see. but the bye week is next week and i'll get half of thurs and all of Friday, Saturday and Sunday! best of luck to you guys! long live team 11
Things should be heating up for me...I hope. Have 2 shooter buck on film from the area I hunt and some doe activity. Went into PA scouting and found a really nice buck as well. Just need to connect the time and arrow Easier said then done. Last year I only saw one buck with my bow in hand. Darn thing stopped around 40 yards and never came closer hoping for better luck this year. Will be out Sat morning to see if I can find a buck and or doe. Unfortunately, it is also shotgun doe season so, I will have a bow in hand while other nuts are all over the woods.
we (the Bears) stay in a hotel the night before a game. meant to get everyone in one location for meetings and maintain focus the night before. plus its closer to the stadium so guys arent having to travel from our facility or their homes on game day. lots of traffic and distractions that can occur at home. some teams dont though, but that is usually where the stadium and practice facility are fairly close to each other.
The Bears? Cool, what do you do with the Bears? My wife did her student teaching with Robbie Goulds mom. Think his mom actually tried to set them up on a date. lol I told her she should have gone, saved me the headaches.
Well i got out again Wednesday night, A disappointing hunt. I was located on the Ground on the edge of a hay field with no ground blind. A mature doe with no fawn came from behind me, we were in a starring match at ten yards for i would say ten mins(im quite impressed with Realtree ap because i was just sitting on a chair next to a tree in plain sight) anyways she turned around and i drew and he gave me a broadside shot at 25 yards. And well that arrow few about 6 inches over her back as her belly probably brushed the ground because she ducked it bad. It all happened so fast and i didn't even think to aim low. But i guess this is another learning curve in the woods. Im probably not going to be going out for a while considering the the circumstances, but im seeing the specialist tomorrow and hopefully they have good news.
i am the dir of player development. i assist the guys off the field in four core programs (financial edu, career planning, continuing edu and player assistant services) before switching teams 4yrs ago i did the same job but as an assistant for the vikings for seven years. pretty good dude in robbie but im sure your wife is a lucky woman! good luck this season and lets put team 11 on the board!
hang in there bro, you'll be back in full force before you know it! thanks for sharing about the AP cammo, i use the mossy oak pattern but have outfitted a special lil' lady in my life in all AP wear. she loves it!