yea i was a whack and stack hunter a few years ago lol anything within bow range was getting shot lol and im not sure, i know Matt/Tn is a regular so he should be on here, and i dont know the others so i couldnt tell ya where their at.. i'll try and email them
This is my first time in this contest so i don't know what the deal is with Team names, aviators, or team captains. So i guess if anybody has ideas for a team name and if anybody can make an aviator it would be great.
ha haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaw! now this is what im talking bout! sorry guys down here at Training Camp and havent been checking as close as i should! lets do this thang!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Alright guys only two left, if anybodys PM is working could you send them some PM's, mine still will not let me send messages.
31, this is my 6th year since i gave up the rifle for bowhunting. got skunked last yr but looking to first fill the freezer with an early doe. looking to shoot at least a 130 class to top my 07' 10pt. i work for the Bears here in Chicago so i dont get very much time to hunt at all other than our bye week. but if im lucky i can sneek out here and there. shooting for tuesdays afternoons (players day off) and Friday afternoons (half-day for the players) i shoot a mathew switchback LD (72lbs) with shuttle T lock broadheads and Beman ICS carbon arrows. really working on introducing a new bowhunter this yr so i'll expect my TIW (time in woods) to be cut in half. excited to get to know yall! long live team 11!!!!!!11
hmmm lets see here, what are some of the other teams names?? -Team duck or bleed -Team Aa (archers anonymous) 1 = A in the 11,Aa crap i dont know quit laughing at me you guys!! =-)
I'm 30 years old and have been archery hunting 18 years. I have killed 10 buck so far with my bow and about 3 doe per season, sometimes 5 or 6 in PA. Rifle season I have killed 6 buck in PA. I hunt PA public land in the big woods of Potter County. I also hunt 700 private acres in NY that only 1 other person has permission to hunt. I've never bow hunted NY but the last 4 years since gaining permission I have killed a nice buck with my shotgun. I hope to bowhunt it this year. I have a wife, a 2 year old son, a 6month old daughter and a 4 year old German Shorthaired Pointer Grouse Machine that all require my time but I still get in the woods a ton with my bow. The buck in my avatar is like 120 inch 8 point and its my biggest bow buck so don't expect something big from me, they just don't grow here. That deer is like 4 years old in the pic. I won't kill anything less than an 8 point but they are usually 2.5 year old 15 inch spread type buck. You can count on doe points from me though, I love venison . What bow is everyone shooting? I'm still going with the Mathews DXT, love this little thing. Good luck with your seasons, hope everyone scores. I'm actually looking past this season to 2010 when I finally get to hunt Ohio!
I too am kinda lookin past this season as it is mostly about getting my sons first deer... I really wanted to be much more serious about this season for myself but as soon as my boy reached 40lbs he was all over wanting to head out this year... so, too the woods we go... I'll be filming it I guess... time to invest in a decent recorder... fwiw - I'm shooting a Ross Carnivore this year... if I get to take a shot...
I kinda like Team AA, For several reasons like isaiah said the number 11 and we have some a guys on are team that might have attended a couple of there meetings( cough cough sevenmag):D
Whack Em N Stack Em Brown N Down Midwest Wanna Be's - Wait thats just me. Fall Boys Archery Addicts Pope & Young Carbon Killers Wood Ninja's - lol Ok, i'm just starting to make stuff up now so I'll quit.
beast tamers the rackulators the globe shotters lol the rack stackers team -catch US if you can im all out of ideas lol
Im not really a creative person so if we wan to start narrowing down the list of names we have it would be great, my favorite is probably Team AA.
Fall boys does sound really cool too. Does anybody have the computer skills to make an avatar for us because i definitely don't.
I like the Fall Boys as well. Not good at graphics however, we should be able to snag something off the net.