Congrats Ill Buck!!!! Passed on a 100" 2.5 year old 8 point last night, hes gonna be a beauty in the future.
WOW,,,Biggest yet in the contest. congrats on that one, its a stud! And you have exact pose on harvest pic and trail cam pic right down to the head tilt!
Very nice buck ILL Buck! It is always nice to get one you are chasing. That is a stud! I know the rut is still getting into full swing or someone has been tampering with my property. I did not see a single deer this morning in Central IL I hope that changes soon before slug season gets here.
Exactly.. I'll be anxious to see how he scores out for the contest BUT regardless. Amazing animal.. so cool.
Congrats ILL BUCK!!! What a great buck can't wait to see what it scores! Is it just me or does it look like the buck is smiling in the last pic...
You can talk to one of the site Administrators about it but you might have to wait till next year. Good luck.