Well that spot i found isnt really paying off yet i have hundreds of pictures of deer going through that spot during daylight but when i sit i see nothing im just kinda lost for words with this spot gonna try some place new for a bit and come back to this spot closer to the rut
I love your confidence Simon. Good luck to ya, and to the rest of my team. I've got deer on my camera but, they are all at night. The rut is just starting so, I'm hoping to see more deer pretty quick. I'll be up this coming weekend again.
Bucks are starting to move here in IA. I had a about 150 8 point at 60 yards on Saturday evening. I had a nice 3 year old at 10 yards on Saturday morning. These next 2 weekends should be great!!!
Look out ladies and gents.... I finally have a legit target: This large mainframe 8 has me harder then tine right now. Im not going to target him till next week though when the temps start to drop and i start my hunting vacation. I have a killing tree set up just for him. Tonight ill be going to my regular money stand, that i havnt seen a single deer from yet this year. Hopefully that changes with a south wind.
Caleb, buddy get on that deer next week. Its time for us to close the deal with these bucks. I hope everybody else is ready to start really getting after it!!!!!!!!!!
Missed a doe tonight guys, her and her fawn came trotting in around 630. I waited awhile to see if a buck was following, but no dice. I actually got to hear her grunt a dozen times or so to her fawn. Well she was slightly suspicious of my tree so she made a wide arc around it and got scent of my entry trail. She was on alert and at 25 yards, i took the shot and she ducked ever so slightly and the arrow sailed harmlessly over her back. She bounded off and stared around for a few minutes, then took off through the woods. Her fawn bleated a few times and then took off as well. Should have been my 3rd doe. Bummer.
You got it brother. I actually have a few stands set up for this guy, pretty sure i know his general direction of travel when hes in this neck of the woods, now i just gotta be there when he is.
I plan on being out in the morning. It was windy and warm all day today and there's a line of storms that's supposed to roll through tonight. Winds will change and a cold front comes through. Hopefully that might help get some deer active and come within 20 yards of me while I'm in my stand. (I don't want them active and within 20 yards of me on the drive down or back... I've been seeing more deer splattered on the highway lately and have already had to avoid one live doe that crossed right in front of me)
Just checked the updated standings, looks like we are running in third. Team 6 is just a few points in front of us and team 27 is that far out eaither. Stay after it team!!!!!!!!!!
Are all the recent bucks entered? Im sure theirs a few that havnt been submitted yet, Either way, Its buck season. No more doe hunting for this guy.
Well teammates, the time is here!!! Starting tomorrow, I will be at it for the next 12 days straight. I have work off until November 8. I am so frickn excited, I cant stand it. It doesnt matter to me what the weather is going to be like, I will be out there, this is what I took time off for. I will be keeping you guys updated, so get ready to send out the teaser thread. Good luck to all of you that are heading out over the next week. Things should really be starting to change. GET AFTER IT !!!!!!
I'm with ya Dave, I've got the next 18 days off. Only problem is I only have 40 acres to hunt so I need to play the wind and hunt it right. Once next week is out of the way however, I'm gonna start taking chances on wind and try and make it happen. Got some good bucks starting to show up on cam, hope I can finally contribute to the team. Sorry for not having points on the board yet, but I think I just picked up a new doe spot today. Best part is if the does are there now the bucks won't be far away. Congrats to those of you that have put some down already and good luck!!! Let's put team 6 down!!!! I hope to send a BDD teaser text to those of you that I have #'s for soon!!! Now is the time to make it happen, be safe and good luck to all. Jason
Well, the deer were big doodyheads and didn't show up. I'll go to a different spot tomorrow. Good luck guys!
I'm heading up to the property right after work today! I hope to put something down and get us more points. Good luck team Red Mist!!
Still havent been seeing the bucks that a lot of other people around here have. Passed up on a little 3 pronger two mornings ago and a good sized doe last night. Just waitin for that day when the woods comes alive and im seeing 20+ bucks chasing does!! But until that day, ill be spending my hours in the stand waiting for ol mossy oak ghost horns to walk by. Keep at it lady and gents, were still in the runnings for this! Good luck team!
Just got out to the farm gonna head out in about an hour. Hunt hard and good luck!!! It's almost SWEET NOVEMBER!