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TEAM 11 Official Thread

Discussion in 'The Vault' started by BowFreak, Aug 29, 2011.

  1. Siman/OH

    Siman/OH Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 10, 2008
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    4 sits, 32 deer from stand, 6 bucks for me so far this year. Very productive. 2 shots, 1 hit.
  2. kmod

    kmod Weekend Warrior

    Aug 25, 2011
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    South West Iowa
    Got a doe tonite! I will load pics and tell you all the story of my opening weekend later. I'm too tired and hungry to write that much right now. Sounds like everyone had a good weekend.... Lets keep it up if all of us tag out we could win this thing!
  3. Waggs

    Waggs Weekend Warrior

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Robinson, Illinois, United States
    Shot a 6 pointer opening morning. Wouldnt have shot but friend just got his own place and wanted some meat. I was happy to help a friend out and put some points on the board for us. Wish he could of been bigger but hes better than no points at all. Will be posting on score board as soon as i can get ahold of my dads memory card for other pic and get him scored!

    2011 opening morning 6 point.jpg
    Last edited: Oct 3, 2011
  4. BowFreak

    BowFreak Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 5, 2010
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    Way to get it done this weekend team. 2 does and a buck down, congrats.

    Caleb, things like that happen in the whitetail woods. Just get back out there, (like you did) and stay after it.

    As for me, my opening weekend was great. The morning hunt in Oct 1 was a bust, not a deer. I hunted Saturday and Sunday evening. I hunted a piece of ground that holds some very nice bucks and deer numbers. Saturday evening I was able to see just over 30 deer and 1 of them being just a huge framed 8 point I have never seen before or caught on camera. Hopefully new to the area. Last night sit only produced 1 deer sighting, but thats all I needed. I was able to see Mr. Tall 10, the number one deer I am after this year. (Tons of history) He did just as I expected him to, just to thick right now to get a shot. I know he is there from sightings and trail cameras, its time to leave him be and get after him in three weeks. I felt I didnt kill this deer last year from not being aggresive enough on him, not going to let that happen this year. Come the end of Oct its on with him. Here is a couple pics of him and some of his buddies.








    Time to head to a different property and hunt some doe stands. Keep after it TEAM 11 !!!!!!!!!!!
  5. Siman/OH

    Siman/OH Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Awesome weekend team!

    Congrats to Christine, Kmod for getting us 100 points. Now time to zone in on the Bucks.

    Also a BIG congrats to Waggs on his buck! Now get us a doe and you will have done everything you can for us to win! Dont worry about size, killing a buck with a bow is an accomplishment, and if we all do it our team will win no problem. Its not about the size, its all about the consistancy.

    Bowfreak, i have no doubt youll put a nice one down this year, wouldnt exect any less from the el capitan ;)

    As for me, i will be back in the woods tommorow night in an attempt to right this ship.
  6. Siman/OH

    Siman/OH Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 10, 2008
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    Looking forward to the story, score and pics.

    Its going to be interesting to see where we rank after this weekends scores are all figured out. I have us around 230-240 at the moment depending on the bucks score.
  7. Waggs

    Waggs Weekend Warrior

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Robinson, Illinois, United States
    Opening morning was no let down for. Got in the stand about a quarter till 6 and soon after shooting light i had a nice doe about 50 yards behind me staying out of range. It was a good feeling seeing deer that early and i knew the set up was a good spot. Around 7:30 i glanced behind me and caught a flicker of a tail coming out of the bedding area. Another big momma doe followed by 3 fawns and a 1.5 year old doe. Again they stayed out of range following a creek bed about 60 yrds away from me. 8 o clock rolled around and I texted my dad to see how his hunt was going. He had seen a couple does but couldnt get a shot off. About 10 minutes later i stood up so i could put a chew in and happened to glance around the edge of my tree and saw the 6 pointer walking right to me. I slowly grabbed my bow knowing that if he kept coming i was gonna take him for my buddy. Sure enough he angled off and gave me a perfect 20 yard shot. Ran about 60 yards and fell over dead. Decided it was time to celebrate saturday night so i didnt hunt that evening or sunday morning. Went back after it this morning but woke up about a half hour late so i rushed to the easiest and fastest stand i could get into. Sat until about 10 not seeing anything but 1000 squirrels gettin my heart goin every time i heard rustling, little bastards! Ill be back out tomorrow evening hoping to put a doe down by the end of the week for us! Congrats Christine and kmod on the slicks! POINTS POINTS POINTS
  8. Waggs

    Waggs Weekend Warrior

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Robinson, Illinois, United States
    Christine I was browsing thru the score card, and you have team 14 instead of 11 lol..TRADER :cry:...just messin...idk who to contact on changing it so thought id just let ya know ;)
  9. Christine

    Christine Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Central Utah, baby!!
    I pm'd Rockinchair to let him know of my screw up. Oopsie. :(
  10. BowFreak

    BowFreak Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 5, 2010
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    Good catch Jordan.

    They have 50 points to team 14.........
  11. Page

    Page Weekend Warrior

    Sep 12, 2010
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    Hey guys sorry it took so long to check back in. Made it out Saturday night and had a pretty good sit. Saw 11 or 12, all does and young bucks. Had does at 25 and 30 yards several different times just never in my shooting lanes. It was the first time ever hunting this stand so I was happy with all of the activity.
    My buddy was hunting the other side of the property and had a 140 and 150 in. in a pretty heated sparring match right at dark, the 150 ended up at 12 yds. but it was to dark for a good shot. Things are looking promising so far, my only problem is I will only get to hunt Saturday morning them am all tied up until the 27th, however after that I'm off for 18 days!!!
    Congrats on everyones deer, hope to see a few more comming in as the crops come out and it starts to cool down.
  12. BowFreak

    BowFreak Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 5, 2010
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    Jason, sounds like you will be able to get back after it when its prime. (27th)
  13. kmod

    kmod Weekend Warrior

    Aug 25, 2011
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    South West Iowa
    My opening weekend.

    Saturday morning I decide to go to a stand over looking a cornfield. It's the first time ever hunting out of this stand. I'm so excited I pretty much run down to the stand. Climbing into the stand I realize I didn't cut the limbs back enough for me to climb up with my pack on. My pack caught every limb on the way up making noise every time. I slow down and somewhat quietly get in the stand. I open my pack to get my bow holder it's not there. In my excitement I left it and my seat pad at the house. It's ok I can deal with it. I start pulling my bow up catching it on the limbs I didn't cut off making more noise and lighting my nocks.

    By this time it's starting to get light. Thinking I have blown my day I look out in the field to see 2 large bodied deer. I watch them slip into the trees on the other side of the field. Ok maybe I will see something. As it gets light I see a few does and fawns making their way across the field. For the next 2 hours I watch does fawns and small bucks come in and out of the field. All of them slowly working their way to me. I have a big doe come into range she is on a trail where she will be about 15 yards when she steps in my shooting lane. There she is right behind a tree 2 more steps and she is in the lane. Just then all the deer look back at the field and then I hear it. Here comes a combine... everything takes off! Well there went my morning. Just then I get a text my buddy shot a doe. I guess his morning was better

    Saturday evening I go to the same stand this time remembering everything I forgot. All the corn is picked I'm thinking this could be a great sit. I'm in the stand 10mins and here comes a Bobcat(I haven't seen I Bobcat in about 10 years). Then about 20mins later turkeys come flooding into the field. I watch the turkeys for a while. Then here come the deer just like the turkeys. I watching them mostly does and fawns. There is a couple of small bucks sparing and another making a scrape. I can hear a quad in the background but think nothing of it. Just then all the deer perk up. There is a John Deere Gator coming down the hill to the field. That clears everything out! They back the Gator up pull out a blue rock thrower and shotguns. This is an hour before sunset. There goes my night.

    Sunday morning I over sleep and don't make it out. Sunday evening I decide to go to a new stand overlooking a waterhole near a bedding area. Once again shortly after I get in the stand I'm covered up in turkeys(I really should get a Turkey tag). I see a few deer walking on the ridge about 70 yards away. Then about 10mins to sun set here come 2 does and 2 fawns. The walk right down to the waterhole. I watch them for a few minutes and decide to take 1. By this time they are working to me. I have one of the fawns walk right under me. Here comes the Mom the other tow are behind a tree. I'm watching the fawn she puts her head down so I draw. I have to take a step out on my stand to get a clear shot. As I do this the fawn looks up and catches me. She spooks a bit which alerts the doe. The doe walks almost under me trying to see me. Well it's take the shoot or spook them I can't hold draw muck longer but I have to shoot straight dawn. I put my pin on her right beside her spine and let it go. CRACK!! I think Crap I hit bone she runs about 40 yards and stands there looking at me. I look back at where I shot and see my arrow standing all most straight up in a log. Did I miss? I look back at here and she falls over dead. I had shot through her and in to the log.


    DEERSLAYER Weekend Warrior

    Apr 25, 2009
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    Sorry it took so long to check in, but I have been in a very negative mood and didn't want be a downer. I won't go into detail on my hunting. All I will say is the woods are crawling with hunters and to make it worse they don't know what they are doing so all the deer seem to be bedded by daylight already. The state keeps saying we are losing hunters, but I keep seeing more. It's just the part of the wonder of hunting Michigan's public land I guess. Maybe it just comes from getting older, but I seem to get frustrated with Michigan's hunting more each year. This year for the first time ever it was like somebody threw a light switch and sucked all the energy out of me. Anywhoo... like I said I don't want to get all negative on here, just suffice it to say that it isn't looking good.

    On the bright side it looks like the rest of you are seeing deer and some have scored. Congrats to Christine and Kmod on the does and Waggs on the buck. Siman, I know it sucks (a lot) losing a deer, but on the bright side, you have some great hunting property so I'm sure there will be more opportunities. Good luck to everyone and be safe!
  15. Siman/OH

    Siman/OH Legendary Woodsman

    Nov 10, 2008
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    I will be be going out here tonight in less then an hour. Hitting up a stand for the first time this season, got alot of big expectations, well see how the hunt pans out. Be ready for the teaser thread ;)
  16. Waggs

    Waggs Weekend Warrior

    Aug 23, 2009
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    Robinson, Illinois, United States
    Just got done measuring the 6 pointer out. Still waiting to get the 2nd pic so I can enter him!

    MB - 15 1/8...14 6/8
    G1 - 3 5/8...5 1/8
    G2 - 5...4 7/8

    H1 - 3 6/8...3 6/8
    H2 - 3 1/8...3 1/8
    H3 - 2 4/8...2 3/8
    H4 - 2 4/8...2 3/8
    SPREAD - 9 7/8

    GROSS SCORE - 84 7/8
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011
  17. Christine

    Christine Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Central Utah, baby!!
    You should have four H measurements, even on a six pointer. :)
  18. Christine

    Christine Grizzled Veteran

    Sep 15, 2008
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    Central Utah, baby!!
    Hope this helps:

    Four circumference measurements (denoted as H1, H2, H3, and H4) must be recorded for each beam. The H1 circumference is the smallest measurement between the burr and the origin of the first point (G1). If there is no G1, take the circumference at the smallest point between the burr and G2 and use this measurement as H1 and H2. All other circumference measurements are taken at the smallest point between the succeeding G points. If there is no G4, H4 is taken half-way between the center of the base of G3 and the tip of the main beam. In the case of a normal 6 point where there is no G3 or G4, find the half way point from G2 and the tip of the main beam and take the circumference there and use this as H3 and H4 measurements. The most common errors relating to circumferences are using the largest circumference measurements rather than the smallest and not recording an H4 for beams without a G4."
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2011

    DEERSLAYER Weekend Warrior

    Apr 25, 2009
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    More points on the board! Nice catch Christine.
  20. BowFreak

    BowFreak Die Hard Bowhunter

    Mar 5, 2010
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    We should be at 234 7/8 !!!!!!!

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