Congrats on the job Bry! That's awesome I've sat out 9 times. Seen deer 5 of the 9. Nothing too exciting, mostly does. Things should slow down for me over the next week or so, then I'll be in the woods much more. I did get to take out the canoe and set up my new Lone Wolf stand this week. Got the Elite, it's big and comfy! Also got to try out my new canoe setup. A trolling motor keeps me from getting too sweaty on my 1.5 mi journey across the lake :D
good luck brotha get us some more points on the board once it gets a lil bit colder ill for sure get us a doe its just not cold enough yet for us to let one hang over night
Almost had a chance to redeem myself tonight fellas. I was hunting an inside corner of a standing cornfield in a finger between two corn fields. About 6:30, a decent 6 point came out, and walked right toward me and past at 15yds. Problem is I didn't draw back early enough, and by the time I wanted to, he would have caught the movement, so I had to let him pass. I'll be back in this stand tomorrow evening since the wind should be good for it.
Nice. I saw a lone deer traveling with it's head down and moving fast through my upper woods right at dark. Would've bet on it being a buck. Wish I had that S wind, he was on a trail that went right past my other stand.
had 7 does/fawns in front of my blind this afternoon and at one time the closest was a fawn laying 8 yards in the wheat and a doe at 12 yards the rest were in between but my 110 class buck came out right before dark i did a little nonaggressive rattling about 10 minutes before light was completely out and he popped out head high headed my way but it was too dark and i hes small small bodied could he be a 110" 1.5 year old?
Hard to say. Possible I suppose, but if he had the nutrition & genes for a rack like that at such a young age, you'd think he'd have a bigger body as well. I made a mid season stand location change, and I'm pumped for it! I've moved 140yds up one our our lake's inlets and I'm now looking over a 50 yard long beaver dam crossing. My brother has a trail cam near the opposite side of the dam, that he's been getting many of the bucks I had on my camera earlier this summer. Looks to be 5 or 6 bucks @ 115+, including the Bladed 10 I'm after. There's a fresh rub near the base of my tree and oh yeah, this is probably where the Beast crossed from last year (the photo in my sig). Looks like Friday will be the next favorable wind. I'm stoked!
Well boys I'm out here in southern MN now. Has not been great thus far. The weather has been brutal, the airline broke one of the latches clean off my bow case, and my binoculars are broken. Last two days have been spent running and gunning. Tomorrow I'll likely narrow down a spot that I'll focus on the rest of the week. I'll keep you posted as much as I can.
We're actually staying in Rochester. We're hunting around Spring Valley and Houston. Our buddy shot a giant 8 last night. I'll post pics when I can.
Nothing going here. Saturday morning, I had a tall 8 following a doe, but couldn't get him to commit close enough. Bumped him out later that evening after dark SE wind tonight with rain on the way has me debating as to where I should be going.
Yeah, the rain has me debating, but the 35mph winds make it a done deal! I'll sit when everything clams down either Thursday night or Friday
Alright boys. The storm is passing, so tomorrow will be my first all-day sit. I'm headed to my latest stand. Green is my canoe approach, Yellow is my trail, Red x is my stand and the blue line is a new Beaver dam that the deer are using to cross. I now have my camera looking over the S. end of the dam, and my old camera on a scrape I pass near on my way in. Getting my pack all set, and the canoe ready for the dark AM commute. Hopefully I'll have some good news for y'all tomorrow night!
Fitz you made the right call not hunting. I was out in 40 MPH winds yesterday with 60 MPH gusts. It was downright scary and I took a beating. Not to mention I saw nothing. Tonight looks much more promising.
Yea, I'm REAL TIRED of this friggen wind! It never seems to go away. It gets old. I sat in the wind for 12 1/2 hrs yesterday and saw one doe! Bugs were NASTY! I forgot I have a dentist app at noon today, so I'll only be able to do an evening hunt today. Wind or no wind. At least we have seasonable temps now, so maybe the chase will be on! Good luck guys.
This low pressure system has ground deer movement to a halt. The weather is perfect now but the deer still aren't moving. The locals have never seen this little movement. Flying out tomorrow pm so it's getting down to te wire.