Went out for our opener yesterday morning. Weather was perfect, no deer sightings for stand. Go out, and headed back down towards the parents place, and had 8 feeding 15 yds from the back porch Wasn't after a doe since I had to be back home to head out of town for a wedding, so I just watched them for a while. Weather looks terrible for the first part of the week here, so we'll see what happens.
dang yotes are scaring mine away... but heres one that keeps visiting me thats a new one just to young but has potential and another smaller one
Been out two nights now. Saw one possible shooter the first night and a small 8 pt last night. Im gonna let my fiance shoot her deer first since she didnt get one last year. There is one old deer on the farm that she doesnt want so if he shows up at any time he will get the axe from me.
Haven't made it out yet. Rain here in my neck of PA has been almost constant since Saturday opener. One more day of it forecast, then I'll get out hard the end of the week.
I hear ya, although it hasn't been near as heavy here. I went out today and yesterday. Yesterday I saw a 1.5yr old what I believe to be six point along with three doe (all out of range). Today I saw 4 or possibly 6 deer (two might have been the same coming back through, it was thick where I was at). Passed a 10 yd hard quartering away shot on a doe tonight. Didn't feel comfortable with the angle.
Opening day in PA was eventful. I had 2 sets of bucks fighting near me in the dark. One was right under my stand and I could see their dark figures pushing back and forth in the moon light. Those deer left before light but I got some on my trail cam and they were young deer. I had to leave early to go to my son's soccer game. I had a number of doe and small bucks come past me in the evening. No shooters though. I got poured on yesterday morning. I still saw 3 deer. Two were bucks, I couldn't tell what one was, the other was a small 2.5 year old. I had him at 33 yards and let him go. Then he got down wind and buggered out. I decided it was time to head in when the trail below me became a stream, literally. After drying out and watching Weatherchannel.com all day I got out around 4. I saw a lot of deer on the way out and ran into a Peco (PA power company) truck at the landowner's house. Talked to the guys and then headed out to where I was going to set up my climber instead of going with my instincts and sitting in my hang on. I saw nothing and when I came back the Peco guys told me a big buck walked right passed the hedgerow my hang on set was in. This morning I got out and had a doe and buck come under me at first light. The buck was a very narrow racked 2.5 that I let go. I got some redemption though as the doe I hit last week was spotted in the field that I shot her in. The shot was more damaging than I originally thought and she was in bad shape. I was able to stalk up on her and put a finishing shot on her. I got next to nothing out of her, but at least I was able to put her out of her misery. So team 11 is on the board with 50 points. Here is a pic of the doe:
Nice work HB! Glad you got her. There, now we have the first one on the board, the rest should just fall into place... Mwahh ha ha ha !!!
Well it looks like we may still be at zero points. I tried to take multiple pictures, but I was trying to balance my camera on my gear with the timer to take pictures. I only got one good picture and didn't realize it until after I processed her. Rules are rules and it looks like they aren't going to enter it with one pic.
Sat in the stand for the first time last night. Had a small 8 pointer come in around 6:15. He milled around behind some trees and tall foliage so I could only see the main part of his rack at first, and seeing he looked young i grabbed the video camera and started filming him. He was legal, but not what I'm looking for. He finally came in to 35 yards and stood broadside.Then he just bedded down in an opening and started chewing his cud. He layed there for 15 minutes and would look my direction once in awhile watching the comotion behind me. It was a very young doe just out of spots and three raccoons. I was surprised to see the fawn alone at that age. Anyway before it was all over for the night the buck stood up walked within 12 yards of me and stood broadside again. I'm telling you that scent control works because he was down wind at this point. looking up trying to figure out what I was. I was as still as I could be, although shaking from the adrenaline rush. Then he turned to go back to where he bedded and started raking a small tree with his antlers. This boy showed it all. It was quite a cool sit. Then my buddy come out to meet me on the trail and the buck stood there and just watched him (40 yards)...never moved. My buddy figuring I must have gone out already (it was dark) started heading out the trail. I had to call him on the cell phone and tell him to walk back my direction to get the buck to leave. It worked of course, but he wasn't real spooked he just bounded off real slow. Who knows how long I would have had to sit there for him to head off on his own. I have about 20 minutes of video, but not sure how to transfer it to my computer and then on here. I'll ty to post it if I figure it out.
Actually, yeah. I have had 7 sits so far, and have seen deer on 5 of those sits. I shot at a nice 8 on Wednesday evening but just nicked him high. Friday evening was REALLY eventful evening as I had 18 deer in front my at one time. No shots...too many eyes, and never a clear background.
No, pretty sure it was a high "scalping" shot taking a bit of hair and some flesh off the top of his back. You can check my thread on the main forum, but we searched for two days, and with only two minor blood droplets in about 200yds, we're pretty sure it was just a flesh wound.
o man that sucks... its alright it get a lil colder and team 11 will come around n start putting some bone on the ground
Alright fellas, how are we doing? I've been out most evenings so far, and have had deer in range on almost every sit. Last night was no different. 8 deer total, one 5 point. Passed on the lead doe due to the flock of turkeys feeding a mere 10yds from the base of my stand. Too many eyes. With this rain coming in today, as long as it isn't a downpour, I'm hunting a good stand on top of a ridge between two bedding areas. It's only produced a few doe for me in the past (I've taken three of my last four doe from this spot), but it has the makings of a good spot to catch a buck staging to head out to the standing corn.
I have been hunting most evenings and some mornings but only does bucks r still waiting for cooler weather Sent from my Droid using Tapatalk
I've got more good news and bad news. The good news is I landed a new job. It kind of fell into my lap and is a great opportunity so I'm pumped. The bad news is that my hunting time will be extremely limited now as I don't get any vacation time until after 90 days. I still have my trip to MN coming up and will be getting out when I can. I'm sure I'll get a buck on the ground at some point, it's just a matter of time.