Cool. I have an S40 that I'll be doing after I finish the S600. I've been getting tons of pics lately too. A bunch of 2.5s that are all over the place during daylight. I've got a couple of older bucks that I'm after but now that they've shed their velvet the daylight pics are drying up. I figure I'll have about a week to get on them before the pressure from other hunters forces a change in their patterns. Then it will be back to square one.
Can't let us slip to the 2nd page. What's everyone up to? I'm shooting still, but now it's just a waiting game for Oct. 2. I have to wash my clothes yet, but other than that, I'm good to go.
I've been too busy with the Resort to get out (finishing the new sauna, winterizing 3 Cabins to be used this season, etc..). I've only sat for the 2 hrs I got opening evening. Looks like I'll be able to make it out Sunday, before my nephew's b-day party. I'm moving my two trail cameras this afternoon since it's raining. I want to get back onto what the 10ptr I'm after is up to. We'll see, in another 3 week, the bucks will move in to our back ridge to start checking all the does up there. I don't even want to think about how much less I'm hunting this yr vs. last....
Was out last Sat, saw 2 does at 60 yrds on the morning hunt, didn't hunt the evening. Will be out this Sat and maybe swing a Fri evening hunt in there as well. Got to get out of town, NASCAR weekend here at Dover, a lot of loonies about. Nothing against NASCAR as I am a fan. Been to a few of the Dover reaces and it really is a boreing time. All the fun is in the parking lot and the nearby establishments before the race.
been out and about just checking everything. plots coming up great now as the grasshoppers are dying out and my feeder broke the other day and i had to rig it up real fast so hopefully it lasts. But havent done much of anything as where i saw any bucks but the does and small bucks r running like crazy. you cant go anywhere with out seeing a bunch of doe fawns and lil bucks. that may be a good sign for early season
I finally got out for my second sit. Was a bit chilly this AM, 25 at shooting light, but it was 43 by the time I came in. Didn't see any deer, but after checking my trail camera, there was a small buck in front of my stand at 4:30 this AM. I did draw back twice on some grouse, but there's still too much ground cover hiding those little buggers. Next time grouse
Haha, I let an arrow fly at a grouse a few years back. Those little suckers hold tight to the brush...never saw that little limb in front of him
Hey fellas. Haven't been out much since MD. I took my 5 year old son out on his first sit last week. I didn't have much intention of killing anything, just hoping to see some deer with him. He did great and we saw over 20 deer in all including 5 bucks. 2 were pretty decent 2.5 year olds with some potential. I also saw a ton of doe moving across a far field into a bean field. I hung a stand in the hedgerow they were crossing through today and will sit it tomorrow and hopefully put our first points on the board. After that it'll bone time. Good luck all, I'll keep you posted.
Good deal, Bry. I'm anxious for Saturday. Granted, I'm only sitting for the morning (wedding in the afternoon), but I NEED to get out.
Going to buy arrows for my dad with him n going to get my license later for out of state it only costs me $256 dollars :'(
I will also be out Sat and Sun hunting. The weather is going to very good. Good Luck to all this weekend!!
the weather is high 40's and low 50's in the morning and dropping into the mid to low 60's before shooting light is up in the evening. Ive been looking up at my feeder in the evenings and deer are coming early but just dont know if their are any bucks up there with all the doe but sure hoping. See the stand about 545 saturday good luck to all and lets win this thing.
We should be. I had a doe sneak in on me last night from a direction I wasn't expecting. I misjudged the distance a bit and she ducked resulting in a crease in her back instead of backstraps on the grill. DOH!
I will be shooting out of work around 2pm tomorrow. A 3 hr drive to the bone yard and I will be glassing the fields and ready to hunt on Sat morning..............
Yeah, that was a LOT of rain. I'm sure you were hit much harder than we were. Bry, it happens. I missed a 15 yd chip shot last year on a doe. Right over her back. One week later I shot my buck from the same stand, so things can become positive in no time