Hey guys how do i get the team logo as my avatar? and yal wanna pm each others numbers for this season.... saw it on another page n thought it would b neat to do
Rut Junkie is here Checking IN I have been in Wyoming hunting and just got back. I hunt in Illinois and we start hunting Oct.2
Welcome, back. I figured you must be on a hunt somewhere. Lucky! How did you do? HenriettasFinest, I don't text too much from stand, but as long as you have Verizon I would be cool with that.
Wyoming was good. I was with my son, how is 19, for 10 day and 72 hrs in a 6x6 blind. The most time I have spent with my son in 10 years. Hunting permits $700.00 Travel & Motel $1100.00 72hr with my son in a 6x6 blind "Priceless" My son missed a P&Y Antelope, and I shot a 13 ½ in P&Y Antelope. Photo at my profile.
Very cool. Sounds like a good trip with plenty of memories. HenriettasFinest, to get the avatar working, you simply right click on it, and save the image to your desktop. Go to your User CP, and go to where you change your avatar. Choose to upload a new avatar, and you can point it to the image you have saved on your desktop.
i have a mac laptop n their so much different haha im good with these things n i still cant figure this one out
Shouldn't be much different. When you right click on the image that fitz posted (ctrl+click if you have to), what do you see pop up?
it says i can download it but when i do it puts it in a file not in my desktop or my files so idk whats going on i might have to do it when i go to school and just log on there real quick
yes sir we got the dead deer xing one on matt n bry n fitz's avatar and iowabowhunter thanks and the best to u to
Yeah, TJF put down a bruiser! Looks like the HB crew has a good one down with a long standing history.
Hey fellas, just got back from hunting MD for 2 days. Saw a lot of deer, just not the ones I was looking for. The spot I was hunting still had a standing corn field beside it and the deer were in and out of that field a lot. They were starting to cut corn in the area as we were leaving so it should be better next time out. Rut Junkie congrats on the WY hunt. That is great. A good buck and time spent with your son. Nothing could be better. Good luck to all.
Still early, Bry. They're cutting a lot of corn around here already. I certainly hope it stays up on our property for a bit longer. Did your camera parts come?
Yes, I have the S600 just about hacked. I need to get the radio jack soldered in and then test it. Then I can get it all installed into the case and it should be good to go.
Very good! I've been getting great pics from my S40. Just checked it yesterday, and had two nice 2.5yr olds still moving during shooting hours in the morning.