I myself have a place in Mont Co, residental so I have to tread lightly. A couple others do too and it borders Park Land. I'm not really excited bout the place through I have taken 2 nice 120"s bucks there. You know Mont Co is full of PETA types and it is so hard to get a place to hunt there. That's why they are so big there. But if you ever need a fill in, my bussisness card reads "Have Bow Will Travel"
ah lucky i have to wait til the 1st but got good news.... too bad he ad to come on the morning of the only time we had fog
I was going to go out this evening but man, it's just toooo dang hot. And besides, I have to work tomorrow which hampers me taking care of anything I might shoot. Sat morning looks good though.
Alright fella's, who's gonna be our captain? How about a name and an avatar vote? I like either option on the table for the avatars, so I'll leave it up to you guys.
Captain have a specific role? And avatars doesnt matter their both great and name wise i like MBM Monster Buck Mafia but doesnt matter to me that might all ready be taken also idk
I like DDC (Dead Deer Crossing) with the street sign for the avatar. As for captain I'll nominate Matt (MGH_PA).
Matt/Pa gets my Capt vote. As far as a team avator, I really don't care as I'm not much into the team avator thing so either will get my nod and I will wear it proudly
Thanks, fellas. I'm willing as long as everyone is ok with it. I like Fitz's avatar and name as well, so I think we should go with that as well. Anyone heard from Rut_Junkie? I saw that he hasn't logged in since the 25th of August.
How about this setup Gents? Could use signature instead or in addition to (with your own name of course )