Good luck on him! Hope to see hero pictures in a couple of weeks!!!! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
So much for my plans to go to Kentucky and hang cameras tomorrow. I had pulled the cameras from where I had them here and was getting gear ready when my wife called me to the laundry room. The washer just died. Now I have to go shopping for a new washer and dryer tomorrow. We can't make it until next week without a washer. I guess I'll just have to go in blind the morning of the 5th. Oh well.
Better now then have him targeted and have to wait to go after him due to this circumstance! Lol. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This was just finished yesterday, and we got 2 1/4 inches yesterday and now have a pond! There are other water sources in the area but all in wide open pastures. This is right on the edge of a bedding area. And has pines now planted around it. Hope it makes a great attraction in the future.
Looks good! This is my Last Heart Beet food plot and for whatever reason the deer are pounding it! Grampa claims there were around 30 deer on it last night! Moved the camera to it today so hopefully it shows me something big Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Hopefully! Deciding whether I should check the rest of my cameras tomorrow or wait til Wednesday. Be gone next weekend to South Dakota, where I'll be putting a couple cameras out. Think me and one other buddy are heading out there for their opening week. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I got some more lanes trimmed this morning on my place. Since I was out there, I decided to pull my cards. In a weeks time, on 5 cameras, I only got 3 bucks on camera. A spike, and two basket rack bucks. This is by far the most discouraging summer I've ever had running cameras. Unless something changes, I'm not even going to bother hunting on my place until something changes or we get to the rut.
I know what you're feeling. Best buck in getting is a 100 inch 8 point. I'm still hopeful! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I'm just going to be in the wait and see mode here. I've got two public land spots and about 200 acres about an hour away that I plan on hunting when I can. It's just so convenient to hunt on my place. Especially in the evenings after work. Hopefully things will change once they start to shed their velvet and find their fall range.
Luckily I only have cams on the south side of this property. I'll hunt blind on the north section and on other properties till I start getting good bucks back on cam. Last year I put cams out in October and had some really nice bucks in that area so I'm hopeful! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
My seasons open Going to do some sitting in the morning. Suppose to be hot like crazy though. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Fre
No deer today but I had 4 bears under me. Gotta get me some bear tags. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk - now Fre
Glassed these two boys up last night. Hope they stick around for a couple weeks! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Left work early and made the 3 hour drive to KY. The wind is going to be wrong tomorrow to set up where I wanted so I sneaked in, hung my stand in a different spot and sneaked out. It starts tomorrow morning. :D