Kyle, Scorecard is up so whenever you get around to posting your entry, it’ll give team 11 a nice start! Looking back at past contests, if you average around 100 points a guy, you have a shot. Last year was certainly exceptional scoring by a few teams. Taking doe usually makes the difference so if most of us can contribute a doe and half of us can get bucks, we should be top 10 minimum. Remember, the contest is fun! Camaraderie is awesome as we all know hunting can be a grind at times. I’ve always drawn on the energy from teammates to keep going and being persistent. Lastly, as team captain, I am just reminding people of contest the requirements to post entries. Date and time of kill. Scoring breakdown for bucks. Two different photos with your bow and kill. The photos are probably the most critical because they generally can’t be recreated if you forget! Awesome start team!
Thanks everyone for the kind words. I dropped him off at the taxidermist on Monday, I am getting a velvet euro mount; I've always wanted one of those.
So depressing. My food plot is now under 10” of water and that’s after the water has receded significantly. I’m worried about my season to be honest. There is just so much drying that needs to happen and not much drying weather in the forecast. Don’t even get me started on the mosquitos....
That really sucks, Aaron. I don't know what to say. I got home yesterday and checked the cameras in my little kill plot behind my house and the only pics I had were does. That's normal for that spot, though. The bucks will start cruising that funnel come late October. If the house hasn't sold before then I may still have a chance at them. I still have a list of little "fixes" that I need to complete before the photographer comes to take the pics of the house for the listing, so my plan right now is to head to Kentucky on Tuesday, scramble out and hang two stands and then get after them Wednesday morning.
Man that is horrible! I definitely feel for you and know exactly how it feels. I had a 1/2 acre that was completely flooded this spring but fortunately I was able to save it and get a mixture of late season food in there. I really hope it dries out for you? Is that the only spot that you have to hunt? Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I have other plots to hunt. Fortunately they drained off before they died out. The issue right now is that there are roughly 800-1000 acres that surround my land that are completely under water as well. I will still be able to hunt, just not sure how good it will be until it dries out. I estimate 60-80 of our 120 acres is under water right now. Definitely going to change deer movement significantly. I’ll be ok.
Im afeared that this will also happen to me after this weekend's dump of rain perdicted. Hopefully get out sunday to see how bad the damage is in the new area, or see where not to set up the ground blind to avoid it floating away. Man sorry to hear all that, hopefully it drains out before the opener and the deer get back to a more normal pattern hopefully.
Congrats ! Killer buck man. Been in the woods twice so far passed on multiple does yesterday I see one tonight I shall kill it. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Man, I don’t know about you guys but these days have been going by slower than slow! Most exciting part of today is left over doe tags go on sale here in Michigan but I can’t put them into use for another 21 days! But on a high note I picked up this almost brand new DR pull behind rototiller yesterday for an absolute steal of $150, I’m going to help a buddy put in a small late season plot on Friday. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I hope everyone had a great weekend. I got out for elk, the rut hasn't started yet but I turned up a great solo bull that my guess is around 340". I couldn't quite put it together on him. Wednesday I start guiding elk & deer clients for my families outfitting business so I my be a little sparse around these parts. Best of luck in the woods all.
Less than a week away from the season start here in WI. Normally I’d be more excited but between the water and the mosquitos, probably going to be a tough early season. Haven’t decided if I’m going to hunt yet or not. Would love to get 50 points for the team, but at the same time, not interested in donating blood to the mosquitos either. Hopefully the Thermacell will work! The good news is we haven’t had any rain for almost a week so going to check the water situation late this week!
Well fellas, I could have killed a doe in Kentucky this evening but I wont kill a doe this trip. I know I'm good for multiple does so there are no worries there. I'm hoping for a velvet buck this trip. The mornings are the best naturally, so I have three morning sits this trip. I'll be in my #1 spot here in the morning. The wind should be perfect. Here we go.