Man I sure hope your land is back to normal sooner than later. I plan to also go into an area tomorrow to scout that is always marshy and not usually too bad......however, 2 yrs ago my camera got under water pics of carp....hoping to never have to deal with that again haha.
Kyle Sinclair-Smith Dan Curtis LittleChief We have our alternates. I’ll highlight them as they check in. Welcome additional team members!
Checking in. How's it going folks? I don't have much time right now. I'm about to head out on a 7 hour run towing a tractor to Missouri so I can help my daughter and son-in-law get a pasture set up. I'll post more later.
Kyle checking in here. Sorry it took me until now to check in. Our season opened up in Alberta here on Saturday so I've been going hard. I put a mule deer down today, just editing the pictures up now. I will check back in tomorrow.
Awesome muley Kyle! I don’t think the official scorecard is up yet anyway so no rush to score him. When you do, just a reminder that you need 2 pics with the deer and bow and date and time of kill on the post. Congrats again!
Dan also acknowledged being on the team via message, but I told him to check in here as well. That should give us 11 active members at least and thanks to Kyle for giving us a quick boost to start!
So I think if I read the rules right I got us 169 7/8 point. He did a lot better than I expected. Last year, based one the pictures he would have been mid 190's. Here is the score sheet, a last years pict, any my 3.5 month old sons first grip and grin photo. Sent from my SM-G930W8 using Tapatalk
Welcome to the new members! Kyle that’s an awesome buck, but that picture with your son definitely takes the cake! Seasons are getting closer and closer for the rest of us an I know that I can hardly wait anymore! I got out this weekend to hang some stands and finish trimming lanes. Besides at least one more camera check I am officially ready for season! Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Holy crap Kyle! That is a fantastic buck. Congratulations! I woke up early this morning so I have a little while before we start working. I've been busy bush hogging, stringing fence and clearing old down fence since I got to my daughter's house in Windsor Missouri. My name is Johnny. I'll be 55 on the 25th of this month. I did 24 1/2 years in the Navy and then worked at St. Jude Children's Research Hospital for 10 yrears but I actually retired this past Friday so I should have a lot of time to hunt this year. I really wanted to be in Kentucky for the opener this past Saturday, but family comes first. The bucks on the private land I hunt there will still be undisturbed when I get after them next week. I had a great season last year. Here's hoping this season is even better. Oh, if this post is full of errors it's because I forgot my reading glasses and I'm on my phone.