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Team 11 Elevated Affair

Discussion in '2018 Deer Contest' started by AaronB, Aug 13, 2018.

  1. AaronB

    AaronB Weekend Warrior

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Oakfield, WI
    Well, I got sick of shooting nothing so I was going to take a doe toward close last night at 10 yards but she busted me drawing back.

    Been seeing decent activity and passed a number of smaller bucks. I passed a 13 point buck that i swear is only 2 years old. 3 years max. He probably would have scored 125”-130”, but just has too much potential to shoot this year. Hopefully he makes it through. I won’t blame anyone for shooting him as his smaller body makes his rack look that much bigger, but I wasn’t going to be the one to do it.

    Just haven’t been able to have it all come together yet. Wearing my waders to a few stands isn’t helping either, although I’ve seen two different shooters bedded right in the middle of our flooded cattails. Deer always amaze me.

    I’ll be hard at it this weekend.
  2. Buckeye Bowhunter

    Buckeye Bowhunter Weekend Warrior

    Feb 17, 2018
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    NE Ohio
    I know I haven’t checked in for a while, but been hunting hard every weekend. Passed a couple young bucks on public a week ago. Did camera check this morning at my house. Biggest buck of the year was there in daylight yesterday morning. All told, 3 shooters showed up last few days. Gonna hit it hard all weekend and hope one shows up.

    2018 Team 1 Turkey Contest
    Elite Tempo 34
    Gold Tip Valkyrie 340
  3. LittleChief

    LittleChief Administrator

    Apr 15, 2010
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    SE Missouri
    Well fellas, I know I haven't been posting much at all on the team thread, but as I've said before, life has been a little hectic.

    I've been hunting hard and this afternoon I finally managed to put a decent 8 point down with my bow here on the new property we just moved to in Missouri.

    I managed to get my obligatory two pics with my bow but I have to figure out how to post them once I get this guy scored.

    In the meantime, the story and a pic of the buck are in the live from the stand thread.
    AaronB and MIHOYT89 like this.
  4. MIHOYT89

    MIHOYT89 Die Hard Bowhunter

    Aug 24, 2015
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    SW Michigan
    Congrats chief!!

    Sent from my iPhone using Forums
    LittleChief likes this.
  5. Kyle Sinclair-Smith

    Kyle Sinclair-Smith Weekend Warrior

    Aug 15, 2018
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    Calgary Alberta
    Hey Team,

    I've been going hard up here in Alberta chasing some monster white tail bucks. My regular season is officially over for me and I can't complain. I never did get an opportunity at either of the two bucks I was chasing but I put them both in the mid 170's range and they didn't get like that by being stupid. My season isn't completely over as my Alberta cougar hunt starts December 8th for me. If anyone is interested I am going to try and do updates on my Instagram stories. If you feel like following along my handle is @kssbowhunter Best of luck to you all still out in the woods
    IH122 and AaronB like this.
  6. AaronB

    AaronB Weekend Warrior

    Oct 16, 2015
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    Oakfield, WI
    What’s happening team?

    We are through rifle season here in WI and almost done with guns altogether with the antlerless hunt the end of this week.

    My bow season has been good. Haven’t shot anything yet, but have had some encounters. Hope to get out late season and shoot a doe and maybe a buck if the right one comes along. Did some “guiding” over the rifle season and my 11 year old son was able to shoot a 1.5 year old 8 point and my brother took out one of my big problem doe so that was nice. I think my son was more excited for his basket 8 than he was for his big buck last year just because he has had more of a taste of hunting since shooting his big buck on his very first sit.

    Anyway, thought I’d check in and see how everyone was doing. We’ve had a good year as a team, but I’m not giving up yet!
    Buckeye Bowhunter likes this.
  7. Buckeye Bowhunter

    Buckeye Bowhunter Weekend Warrior

    Feb 17, 2018
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    NE Ohio
    Same here. Gun seasons over and I’m gonna be attempting to fill some tags thru the next couple months. Close calls but no deer down yet. Found good mature buck sign on public over the weekend. Needed my chest waders to get back there. Good news is I think everyone else thinks it’s too hard to get in there.

    Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

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