I do have some impressive bucks on the property that make it easy to pass on the 8 especially this early in the season I may take a for this evening if the opportunity presents itself so far 4 small bucks
Of course the evening I decide to take a doe if I can nothing but little bucks present shots got plenty of young ones on the property saw a bunch of deer again though it's only the first weekend of season probably get one more hunt in next weekend then I will be getting married the 30th and off to Colorado for the honeymoon so I'll have a couple weeks off and back at it
Congrats on your upcoming marriage! My elk hunt was not much fun, temps were 90 to 95 everyday, very dry and dusty. Then my truck decided to have rear different problems. Nothing much seemed to go right lol. Seen a few bears and lots of mule deer but no elk. Elk were bugling good, in the middle of the night waking me up.
We hunt mostly public land there but I also have permission to hunt pronghorns on some private land near where we stay as well. Nice! That is a great week to be there. Yeah the drive is rough, even further for you!
No I won't be taking my bow I wish I was my buddies are out by meeker Colorado bow hunting for elk right now haven't heard from them for a couple days I know they had found several the first day but haven't heard of any success yet
I bought a pack of the original 100 gr. Ramcats. Reviews say they're one of the most accurate heads. They shot different than my field points. Definitely would take some tuning to get them to shoot the same. I'm sticking with my coc gravediggers they shoot the same as my field points, plus I'm getting the best blood trails ever with them.
Checked another trail camera this past weekend another 8 that I would take on that camera he has some long main beams.
I also went through all of my other pictures and it doesn't appear that I have a picture of the split browtine buck I passed just goes to show even with 4 trail cams out you never get pictures of them all
It's been an investment 5 years ago I leased the place and before me 7 guys hunted it and shot all that moved which is fine to each their own. I don't blame anyone for shooting a spike heck I use to do it all the time but by the time I paid for land to hunt I wanted to shoot bigger deer. It's been 5 years and I've killed one buck on this property because I've let every young buck walk and I'm seeing the results I have great deer numbers and some real dandy bucks.
Keep at it man, proof is clearly in the pudding with the pics you got. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I think I have a good chance this year several shooter bucks around just a matter of bringing it all together
It's approximately 370 acres that the owner has but I currently lease 140 of it the other portion is a mixture of cattle pasture and crop and the owner and his grandson hunt it during rifle season the map is roughly the property line that they own and the reddish line is what I hunt I say roughly because my drawing skills with my finger on a phone are not great
That's a nice looking property and it looks like all your work is starting to payoff! Looking forward to seeing which buck you harvest!