I have two bucks on the wall due to that tactic one with a bow one with a rifle its more difficult with a bow but if you have a good spot to tuck in until your shot opportunity arises it can be done that creek worked great for me last year. I learned that from the old man who owns the property I hunt. He has lived to see a lot of different things in the woods and he knows how to put some big bucks on the ground. The property use to be a hunting preserve and he was the owner and the guide from 1980 something up until 2008 when he decided to take it easy and take my money to hunt it by myself haha.
I was thinking of gathering some buck crap from one property I hunt and brining it to the other property where are know there are bigger deer and putting it in the mock scrape I've made to see if it will draw the big guy out. Also this will be my first year actively trying to rattle. Out here the ratio doe to buck is not good( I don't think). A lot of does seems to make the bucks less receptive to rattling and grunting. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
I see the same thing here in Central IL. I've rattled in a few bucks but all have been under 3 years old. The bigger bucks no matter how far away they are high-tail it out of there Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I never have done well rattling I keep a rack pack in the bag incase I get bored mid day but I rarely rattle anything but young bucks in.
What kind of broadheads is everyone shooting? I've shot Swhackers the last 4 years but am considering shooting Ramcats. Anyone had any experience with them? Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Been shooting rage for quite a few years now with no complaints haven't had a reason to try anything different Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Biggest thing I've found with Swhackers is a small entrance hole, and if you don't get a pass through, the blood trails are hard to see Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Regular old Muzzy 125's for me. Ash, I'll be in Nebraska in a couple weeks hunting but then season doesn't open here in Florida until the middle of October.
Hope your alright down in Florida man, that was some storm that went through. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Victoryhunter when you go to Nebraska do you hunt state land out there or is it a guided hunt? I will be close to the border of Nebraska in Glen Elder Kansas hunting November 2nd through the 10th. It's a good time this will be my second year going out. We stay at Rader Lodge. It's pretty reasonable. We hunt land leases. Only thing that sucks is the drive out and back. NY opens October 1st it's been a long wait. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
I have used muzzy 3 blade 100 grain for quite awhile now used the NAP killzones 2 inch last year on a couple deer and was very happy with them that's the heart after a killzone had its way
Mine started on 9/8. Haven't been out yet though. I guess I should start thinking about that. Luckily I have until Jan 31st and the temps are still mid 80s. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Did the last 3d shoot of the year today. 60 targets and didn't keep score just marked down whether I killed it or wounded. Needless to say boys, I cannot flipping wait for deer season! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I saw about a dozen deer yesterday evening. Had a nice 3 yr old 8 with a split brow at about 5 yards for about 20 minutes also had a deer I'm guessing to only be 2 this year but is a basket rack 10 come by a few other small 1yr old bucks a few does and fawns nothing I wanted to deal with in 87 degree weather and a group of thunderstorms rolling i had to get out of the tree about 40 minutes early because of the storms woke up this morning and still storming and suppose to be more this evening
You must have some great deer scouted out to pass on that 8 he sounds like a nice one. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums