Thanks! Pic doesn't do her justice, she was massive for our area. She had at some point been hit by a car because her pelvis was completely destroyed but had head back all crazy, she was a tough old doe.
Well it’s gun season this weekend I will be out with a rifle opening morning but may sneak back into some bedding areas with my bow after that
Super windy this morning, saw nothing heading back out in an hour to see if I can ruin dinner plans Sent from my iPad using Forums
Heading back out again. Froze my hands off this morning sat from 630 to 850 then 930to 1. Saw a button buck or doe couldn’t tell. Something has got to give Sent from my iPad using Forums
Just got set up on some archery only public land that doesn’t get much pressure this time of year hoping for a big one to come check this doe bedding area I’ve had good luck here in the past
Been sicker then a dog the past few days so missing the best time of the year. Hoping to be back to 100% by next week since that is my annual Indiana hunting trip(shotgun though) Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Deer are not cooperating at all. Going back out Friday going to try an all day sit. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Unfortunately I️ used the gun to take him and I️ didn’t even need it could have **** him with my bow at 30 yards
Well boys, same ol same thing here. I f9t really close again on a shooter buck Saturday morning but it didn't happen. He came in with a doe and was in some thick brush and was just following her around. At one point he was 50 yards from and I needed him to take a few more steps left and I would have a had a perfect broadside shot, but he didn't. Probably a 140s ten pointer fully mature. His body was huge. This weekend is Illinois gun season so I will be taking out the muzzleloader out. Will be my first muzzy hunt and I'm really excited. Although, I was really wanting to have a buck down with my bow by now. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Thanks guys I’ve still got a couple nice ones on camera hopefully they survive the rest of gun season so I can get back after them in a couple weeks he isn’t the biggest out there but those chocolate antlers and dark face sure are cool ... took him to the taxidermist yesterday and someone right before me had brought in a giant 191 inch 12 point that thing was massive
Last couple hours left for archery, gun starts tomorrow. Hopefully I can get it done tonight. Anything brown with 4 legs meets the requirements. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Went and checked a couple trail cameras yesterday at my father in laws property. As of Saturday there’s still one nice buck walking around I am hoping that my food plots will make for some decent late season sits out there this year his property is very hit or miss on activity.