Well no luck for me this weekend. Hunted Fri, Sat, Sun mornings. Saw 3 doe Friday morning, but too far away. Had two spike and a fork pass under my stand Sunday morning, but not interested. Maybe in a couple weeks. 4 day weekend upcoming for me. Be spending as much of it in the stand as possible. I have 1 stand that is untouched and waiting for November and the right wind. Had deer on that camera every day this year, but haven’t even checked it now in almost two months. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
That scar should be smoked you’d think. What broadhead? Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Went Saturday for a evening hunt. Saw 3 Does at last light but all well out of distance. Good thing is when we walked out I stopped by a trail Cam we have and when I checked it at home we had a nice 6pt at 10:27am walk by and stand for a brief moment that same day.... exciting news is that’s the 1st Deer we have seen on Camera in daylight shooting hours since mid Sept and that Cam is right in front and to the left 5yds from a Ground Blind we have set up and the exact same Blind we sat in Thursday night... so got everything ready and loading in truck just picking up my Son from school at 3:30 and then heading over for a evening sit... it’s chilly and very breezy as well... 43 with gusts up to 20mph... so praying and hoping we see some daylight movement in person here soon... more so tonight lol.
Well wind advisory until 4 going to make an attempt tonight back at my doe stand. Tomorrow morning looks promising weather wise 31 degrees in the am gonna try to sit until noon tomorrow it will be my last time hunting in NY for a couple weeks as we leave for KS Wednesday morning. Hoping for better movement out there this has been horrible Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
So another update on the deer I shot... a portion of my arrow was missing he had broken it off when he took off i only had about a 7 inch section and the fletchings. One of my friends was hunting his property which borders my lease and decided to go over and look again for my deer today he said he started at the point of impact so look for obvious signs we had missed of something gone wrong like white hair indicating my **** was much lower than we thought he came across my arrow... both blades of my nap kill zone were broken off no blades in the body of the broadhead at all ... when I shot I heard a loud crack didn’t get the whole arrow to pass through I assume I hit a rib or two dead center now we are wondering if the blades broke off at entry after hitting the rib and only put a small pencil sized hole in his lungs very disappointed regardless that the kill zones will break like that ... I have always shot fixed blade muzzys until this year I decided to try the killzones after the massive holes I saw them leave in a few of my friends deer starting to regret that decision
Just got back and showered and ate... nothing, didn’t even see any in the distance. Very frustrating to say the least lol. But this is why it’s called hunting. Well, won’t be back out till Saturday at the earliest. So have fun and good luck guys this week and Let’s get off this zero we have going on here
I was very disappointed this past weekend too. We had highs in the 30s Saturday and Sunday and I saw a total of 3 deer those days. Friday was pretty good after the rain stopped. Little bucks chasing fawn does all over the place. I never saw one mature doe and that even included me driving around the farm and glassing fields Saturday afternoon. I had high hopes and was severely disappointed. I'll be back out Friday through Sunday doing all day sits...in 60 degree weather Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
See that the wind is bothering other guys too. Sat in a blind tonight because of the wind, gusting so bad I didn't want to chance a shot. Had seven does and fawns within 20 yards. Surprised me to see that many, usually windy weather really cuts down on them moving here. I've seen little rut activity . just some small bucks cruising.
Ended up seeing a total of 7 tonight 4 does followed by a 4pt. 2 more big body deer in the field on the way out couldn’t make them out. Back at it tomorrow different stand planning a 6 or 7 hr set hopefully doesn’t take that long. Weather is supposed to be good tomorrow. Good luck team 10 Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
I hunted my lease Friday afternoon and Saturday morning. Saw 3 doe the first night and 3 more Saturday. I also had a fork that had already broken off one of his sides at 10 yards. Just felt good to be out! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
Another windy day and snowstorm too. Finally shot a doe, had to track her right away , with how heavy it was snowing. She only went about 70 yards so no problems.
Hey way to go Rick! Congrats on a fine doe. Looks like Christmas up in your neck of the woods! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
You would think it was smoked but he did turn into it and i didn't get much penetration. When the arrow actually hit him he was quartering to me hard as he ducked and spun to run away. It was actually quite the perfect mess as he also dropped so hard and fast that his horns smacked the back end of my arrow and broke it off while also killing any momentum the arrow had left. I found the back 8 inches of arrow and it is flattened and curled from wrapping around his horns as he came down on it.
Man that's cool you found that piece of the arrow. I'm sure it would been cooler to find after you wrapped a tag around the antler that saved his life. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Well I’m afraid I hit one today and could not find it. Not sure what happened. There was not a ton of blood on my arrow but there was blood on all 3 veins. There were just small drops of blood for about 200yds and then I never saw another drop. I don’t know where I hit him but I’m thinking he lives. Hoping to confirm on a camera. I’ve never hit a deer and not found it before. I don’t like it.
Ouch. I never saw the tree. Pushing my comfortable range at 40 yards with 20 minutes of light left. Simply didn’t see the tree and thought I had a clear lane. He was standing feet behind this tree and the arrow looks like it was heading right for the vitals. Didn’t stare at the rack, i try to just say shooter and then focus on vitals, but he would have been my biggest to date probably. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums