Saw 4 doe this morning non provided an opportunity also 1 fisher again. Just got done sighting in my new 20 gauge taking the night off it 70 Sent from my iPad using Forums
I'm finally going to be able to hunt Next weekend. Taking Friday off and hunting through Sunday. Also the first two weekends in November I'm using some vacation days and I'm stoked. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Zero today back at it again Friday morning. This is the slowest year I can remember. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Not sure I’ll see if I can get a pic he works 1st shift Sent from my iPad using Forums
Well while I was in the stand yesterday the tics were really bad. Between in the stand and getting in the shower took 24 off my clothes and me. Going to get some of that sawyers spray tonight to see if that helps. Some days I go out I have none on me other days I’m more focused on them things than hunting. Guys remember to check yourselves. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Wow that's a lot of ticks! Bugs are froze out here, makes it lots nicer in the woods. Windy weather here, had to quit hunting early this morning. Tree was swaying enough, I doubt if I could shoot accurately. I'm out of hamburger, I have to shoot a doe soon.
We need to get on the board!! I’m heading to the stand tonight and hopefully over the weekend a lot. Hopefully didn’t miss a really good night last night, but it was supposed to rain more then it did here and I hate to sit in the rain and make a marginal shot and then have the rain wash everything away. I’ll hunt threw with a shotgun or rut but don’t like risking it otherwise normally. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I’ll be working a double tomorrow then headed to my lease for the weekend I need meat in the freezer and temps finally justify killing a doe no rush to the meat locker... this is our first big cold snap here in Missouri 28 in the morning Sunday according to the forecast ... first frost of the year potentially I think it will be a good weekend for deer activity I’m excited to go the stand ... 78 tomorrow and 43 Friday should stir something up!!
Good luck man. Similar situation here in IL. Can't wait to hunt this weekend. Hoping to be in a stand tomorrow afternoon! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Today is the grand finale for me. My last day/night of work. Vacation starts Friday until November 12th. Hopefully I can get a couple down here before a couple friends and I make the long drive to Kansas on the 1st for a 8 day hunt. Sent from my iPad using Forums
Starting the second half of my double now. Only 7.5 hours of work left before a 3 day weekend. Sure hope it’s as good as I think it’s going to be.
We went last night and sat in a Ground Blind (wanting to let my Son get his 1st with his Crossbow). Got in at 4:40 and sat till dark... had a big ole Doe 15yds behind us but in all kinds of brush so a good clean shot wasn’t available. So as she got closer I don’t know what happened but she caught our scent or something and starting snorting and stomping her leg and just dashed off... we really thought it was going to happen for him last night but given some of the situations we have encountered thus far we were very pleased and happy with last nights hunt.... going back out Saturday and sitting in a another Blind we have for the morning and then for the evening going to be sitting in a double set we have.... have fun out there today and this weekend guys and enjoy.