Well went to my doe spot tonight everything was going just how I thought. Does came down the hill instead of crossing in front of me stayed to my left they disappeared into the goldenrod. I turned around in the stand because I new they were coming behind me as soon as I got repositioned lead doe blew and that was the end of that. Guess I’ll give that spot a week off. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Well I'm back from the honeymoon. Saw lots of cool wildlife in Colorado lots of elk, a couple huge moose, mountain goats, mule deer, and even snuck up on a big bobcat. I'll be back to hunting this coming weekend. My wife got me a new camera for filming hunts as a wedding gift so I may give that a shot this weekend!
Hi all, just checking in. Haven’t been on the forum much as it has been an odd year for me. My wife and I dropped our kids off at college in September and became empty Nesters ( part-time anyway). We then took a two week vacation out to Colorado just as the WI season was starting. I have not been in the woods yet this year or pulled cards in over a month. Latest I’ve ever started. That will change next weekend as I will get started in earnest. I’m kind of exited about the late start. I have a tendency to hunt a lot of hours, so maybe starting late will keep the deer around more. I have a ton of vacation time left so I’m sure I’ll catch up in a hurry when prime time hits. Good luck all!
Also wanted to check in quick. Shot a doe opening weekend in Ohio. Long story shortened. Believe liver shot. Gave her plenty of time and went in by flashlight. Blood trailed 200-250 yards of pretty easy besides two spotty area all the way to zero blood. Went back in the next morning and couldn't pick up any additional blood so started grid searching. It's a 45 acre thicket and I Grid searched the majority of it. Haven't lost a deer around home in a long time. Usually I know these woods well enough that with time I can grid search and find them. Needless to say I was pretty bummed and disappointed in myself. Took a week and a half off to regroup but back at it tonight. I'll be hitting it reasonably hard on good days until Halloween hits then sweet November will have me hunting a lot between home and my two public hunting trips. Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
Awesome man! You haven't missed much if you can't tell. Ohiocheese drew first blood for us but had an unsuccessful recovery. I've only been out once and won't be out again until the last weekend in October. From then on I'm hitting it hard. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Yeah I don’t think I missed too much. I know it was around 90 here most of the time we were gone. I probably wouldn’t have been out anyway. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
Well I'm in the stand this evening at my father in laws property which is close to where I work there's not many good bucks out here but a couple big ones have been shot here before... mainly on doe patrol my wife said she wants back straps on the grill so here I am looking for a doe
The guys I hunt with on the farm have been seeing good movement the last couple of days. Wish I was out there with them. Think the total is up to 3 does taken on the farm and a button buck. One guy passed a 130" buck tonight on a different farm and I saw a good buck from the road tonight. Man I've got the itch! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Back at Saturday morning but have to be to work by 11, if I get a slammer my perfect attendance may be on the line. Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Perfect attendance still going unfortunately......only saw a fisher cat Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
Finally cooled off here 47degrees this morning instead of 71 which was the low yesterday... so far I've seen 2 does and two fawns I did a lot of trail maintenance yesterday so not sure if any of the big boys will be around this morning but it finally feels more like deer season
Cold front is here in Ohio and the temp is dropping as I sit here in the stand. Next 24 hours should be good. Sitting tonight and tomorrow night so fingers crossed for a shooter to show themselves Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
We had a lot of shooters on their feet the last couple of days. Wish o could get out there hunt. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
The next day or so here will be the best chance before the rut begins. This first real cold front is usually killer and then the first cold front during the rut is what everyone dreams about. Hopefully you can get out and enjoy! Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
I hear you. I love early season cold front, that are truly cold. There's been a couple of years within the past 5, (2013 comes to mind) that more big bucks in my area died in one weekend during a cold front than all the bucks in November. They were all on their feet weekend. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
I didn't have a whole lot of activity at the lease this weekend. only saw a couple does at a distance yesterday evening. No bucks in sight this weekend. Put cameras up on a few scrapes got two stands hung and shooting lanes cut now I'm ready to go for the rest of the season.