Going to the farm tomorrow the last time before the season starts. 5 cams to check and put back out in new spots. 3 mock scrapes to make. Couple of shooting lanes to trim out, and maybe some glassing in the evening. Any pics i get of my shooters I'll post em up! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Had a good day at the farm yesterday. Got 99% of my tasks done. Had one stand to trim out but ran out time. Ton of trail cam pics though and some shooters in daylight even. I didn't save the daylight pictures for some reason but here's my hit list. Starting with #1. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
My weekend hunt didn't work out the way I wanted I use an abused f150 I picked up for next to nothin for hunting and trapping and after 5 years of faithful service she blew a spark plug out of the head a few hundred yards shy of my parking spot so I had to hitch a ride back home and get the Chevy to tow her back 334,789 miles ain't a bad run I guess on the search for a new used beater after the honeymoon good luck to everyone the next couple of weeks hopefully anyone with an October 1st opener gets a good one early!
I'm hoping to get out the 1st but they are predicting a cold front the following weekend so I might shoot for that! Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
BukFvr21 great bucks! Your bucks really have things going with their brows, one with multiple points another really long brows. Wack-a-doo Over 300,000 on a pick-up is pretty awesome.
Saturday is our opener here in Pa... going to go out for a morning sit with my 11yr old Son (who will be shooting some videos should anything happen) in a location where there are plenty of does to choose from. Hopefully something comes and we get it on Video. Then going to go back out for a evening hunt at a different location where the Bucks have been on Cam... I haven't gone out to the Lease in close to a month come Saturday, trying to keep things quiet. This season I want to get my tags filled early that way I can allow him (he has his Mentor License) to really focus on getting his... he can take a Buck and I'm going to transfer 1 of my 3 Doe tags to him so he can harvest a Doe as well. It's his turn this season.
Thanks Buk and if you get out for your Opener on the 1st the same too you... but by the sounds of what you stated the cold front the following weekend might be better
Man you have some brutes here Buk.... you are truly blessed brother... hopefully you can get 1 of any of these this season....your in Illinois correct? How many Bucks are you allowed in your state
Thanks man. I've passed alot of deer over the years and it's paying off. I do live in Illinois, and we are allowed 2 bucks. Which is nice, but I've never filled both, lol. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
With Deer like these on your Cams you definitely can be a bit more picky and pass up some when choosing to take 1... good deal. I'll post any info or hopefully pics and or video of something taken Saturday after we get home. Much success everyone and be safe and enjoy it.
3 days! I'll be out Saturday afternoon for the opener here in Ohio. Cooler weather on the way and a perfect wind for my food plot Saturday have me pumped! Good luck to the rest of you!
Have to wait until Sunday told the wife she will have to get the kids ready for church by her self unless I luck out early then I can make it by 930. Good luck and be safe Sent from my iPad using Bowhunting.com Forums
We are going to have a "cold front" this weekend too. It's going from 85 to 70, so I'm going to my lease in the morning to put up trail cams, hang a stand and brush in a ground blind. Not sure if I'll stay for the PM hunt or not as it'll be my first time on the property all year. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
I grew up in Md.. Anne Arundel County but hunted Carroll and Queen Anne's counties... that was the only thing about Md... it was a double edged sword sort of say.. awesome that the season started real early but it was HOT you could hunt in shorts and a tank top if you wanted and still be toast, once we moved up here to Pa 14 yrs ago (slightly across the Carroll Co Line) I still hunted but didn't go out till the beginning of Oct.... but I gave up hunting down there a few seasons ago... still have good friends who live and hunt there... your in Howard Co right? have you ever hunted Hugg-Thomas... I never did but my Wife grew up close to there in Sykesville and I remember when we first got together back in 98' she always said I needed to try there... Good Luck this season Sent from my iPhone using Bowhunting.com Forums
In Ohio, so season opens up this Saturday. Not as prepared as I have been in years past, but basically ready to go. Cooler weather looks like it heading in so could be a potentially good weekend. Had the most disappointing camera pull of my life the other day. Was in a place that I have hunted, but never had a trail camera before. Trails were beaten down and have the camera at a great looking spot. 1 blurry small buck and 1 doe is all I got. It was super hot when I set the camera and still was when I pulled it, but was still hoping for more. There are deer there just hoping a big one shows up. Only have 1 shooter on camera right now in a different woods, but my standards might be below shooter this year with the new little guy. We will see based on how much I can manage to get out.
Hopefully some more make there way to your place. We're still seeing backs in bachelor groups even after velvet shedding. Sent from my SM-G930V using Tapatalk
Grew up in Howard County but now we are just over the border in Mt Airy (Frederick County side). I am going to try to hunt Patuxent this year in addition to my lease. It's only a few mins from my house but I will wait until the novelty of a new season ends before I step foot on it. I used to hunt different parts of Hugg Thomas. My buddy who taught me how to hunt grew up in Eldersburg. Where in PA? I still have extended family in York and we go up through Manchester and Linesboro the back way to get to their house. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk