Team 10 - 636 3/8 Shocker99-50, 122 Buck buttonbuckmaster-50 Brad Kaufmann-116 5/8 Buck heartstopper-88 3/8 Buck cantexian-50 short69-59 2/8 Buc Brian Walters airenlow Captn Kirk buckeyehntr5 Shawn Clark-50 Team 6 is in first at 917 5/8. If the six left kill does that haven’t, we are in first. A couple more bucks from the rest of us, we can win this.
I'm trying! I have Mr Cough and Sniffles with me and there are 50mph wind gusts. But we're getting in one more hunt before gun starts tomorrow.
I’m hunting until January. I need two more deer in the freezer. Good luck who is out there. Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Wished I was still hunting. At least I got a kill in this season. Hopefully next season I'll be hunting both Ohio and Florida.
We had 3 does pop out of the woods at 150 yards. They fed toward us, but went back in about 70 yards away. 20 mins later, when we packed up and left the blind, the same 3 does had apparently bedded just 30 yards behind us and busted out of the county. My little man had a blast!
Well, I gave it a shot this afternoon. Went and hit a piece of public. Jumped a group of does walking in around 1:30. Didn’t see anything after that. Had a lone deer blow at me as I was climbing down in the dark. Probably a buck since it was by itself. I will be pretty much limited to Saturday afternoons the rest of the contest and will most likely be taking one of my boys with me if I go. Good luck guys and keep after it! We are not out this by a long shot.
Working today during the firearm opener. Needed to recharge for a couple days. Will try to get out end of this week once the colder weather hits. The big deer has gone MIA since the last pictures. Hoping he makes it through this week, I figure he is a neighbor deer and that property gets a lot of pressure surrounding it during gun season. Most of the locals like to drive deer.
Checking in...haven't bowhunted in a couple of weeks. Had an eventful shotgun season and have been sick for 10 days. I'll be gun hunting this weekend then breaking the bow out til January.
Is it me or has there been a lot of east winds this year? Headed out shotgun season this weekend. Going to be warm and windy Sent from my iPhone using Forums
Not many east winds in Arkansas, at least on the days I have had to hunt. I would have to find some new spots if we did. Most of my spots are for N, NW, W and SW winds.
Even here in SW Illinois we had about 7 straight days of hard easterly winds. Every year i say im going to plan for more east wind set ups and every year im cussing when we get an east wind
Out this evening with gun. Not going to be picky. Perfect evening out Sent from my iPhone using Forums
I’ve been out since 2, didn’t hunt this morning due to high winds. I’ll be hitting it hard until Sunday. I’m at the farm where the new buck showed up. There’s two other potential shooters in here. Checked cams at our lease and nothing over 120” on cam. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This is a 122 acre farm we bought 3 years ago. It was mostly crop land. We parted ways with the farmer this past spring and are in the process of building cover back up and planting our own food. We’ve let probably 30-40 acres of field grow up in the center. Definitely seeing more deer than we have in the past. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk